The Duck Thread

Same ducklings are so much more fun
Sweet video but I felt they really wanted to get out of the pool please make a way for them to get in an out safely.
Im new to ducks so take this with a grain of salt. The advantage is, Im new to ducks, so Ive been reading A LOT for several weeks, now I just have to hope my recall powers are up to snuff

For Mallard derivatives:

According to posts on this very forum, the voice sexing is pretty dang accurate, often heard at around 4 weeks, and often relied upon when making decisions as to the management of the flock before they reach maturity at 4-5 months (when the drakes will usually get their drake feather)

I have two Pekin. I also heard the first real quack at 3 weeks. I tried to get her to do it again for my DH but he did not get to hear it for another 3 days. LOL

They are now almost 6 weeks, still only one duck actually quacking, though both are vocal at times especially when they met the new ducklings yesterday through a gate. They were very excited about the little week old squeekers and let me know they wanted to get at them. I am sure I have a duck and a drake.

For non mallard derivatives:
I have no stinkin' clue. LOL I disregarded facts specific to these because I dont plan on having any at this point & my little brain can only hold so much info.

I certainly hope it is accurate as Mr. Drake is destine for kitchen duty well before that drake feather is supposed to make an appearance.
It would be crazy if I have 6 females and one male. It would mean I could keep everyone easily. But I'm not going to get attached to the idea just yet... Freezer camp will come for any extra drakes as was always my intention.
Oh though it would be nice to keep them all... It's a bit harder (I see now) when you hatch them yourself...

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