The Duck Thread

Awesome.. We really love ours. Even our boy's like them more than the chicken's. We have so many plant's, so we reuse their water from their "pond"
Really just a horse trough.. It works they are when they were babies

They are silver Swedish .. Our hen Lauren has been leaving a prize every morning like clock work..
These egg's on top are from our previous flock, wild dove eggs are the small white ones.. They actually have a pink tint and blue hue.
Then jumbo quail egg's, with the chocolate designs.. Then finally a duck egg at the bottom.. Enjoy.. But watch this video hazards of a backyard flock.

What a beautiful assortment of eggs.
Just incase no one else knows... Ducks love showers...




At this size they are still dirty after a swim, the tubs just not big enough, so after their bath I shower them off, they really seem to love it!
The perfect Easter Basket...and no dyes used!!! Very pretty.


Thank you for the welcome :) I can see that this is going to be a dangerous thread to be on. There are so many lovely duck pictures here.....


Apparently ducks like to play in water from the hose, too. They loved grazing on the oat grass while it was wet :)
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Thank you for the welcome
I can see that this is going to be a dangerous thread to be on. There are so many lovely duck pictures here.....

Apparently ducks like to play in water from the hose, too. They loved grazing on the oat grass while it was wet
Ducks have an affinity for just about anything that is wet...or damp for that matter. At some point they will begin to root down into the mud and muck going after grubs and stuff like that. My duck pens look like lunar landscapes.
Just incase no one else knows... Ducks love showers...

At this size they are still dirty after a swim, the tubs just not big enough, so after their bath I shower them off, they really seem to love it!
So freakin adorable! My Dear Husband found this out. We try to get them into the bath each night, since they were one week old. He gets to bathe them while I clean & prep the brooder for the night. I went in two nights ago and he had the shower going on them. They loved it!
I heard 1 of my 4 quack yesterday! 2 weeks old this weekend. I've heard it a time or two but can't tell which one its coming from! Frustrating!!

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