The Duck Thread

I think your babies are too young to be with a flock with a mature drake. If you can, cordon off a part of your run where the babies can see and be seen but are out of the reach of that drake. After the babies are older you can try to integrate the flock. I would wait until the little ones are at least 4 months old since they will attract the "attention" of the drake.
A few places do say KC can fly so I'm not surprised. They are a lightweight duck. Also my ducks can "glide" about 3 ft in the air if they really try but it's more of a jump and flap. However that is neither here nor there. I think your babies are still to young and little. Can you wait till they are 10+ weeks old? That way they will be the same size and it shouldn't be as big of a problem.
Thanks for the advice. The two groups are sitting fairly close right now but I am going to exert myself (and mostly reluctant hubby) into one more project. I am going to divide the duck pen into two parts for a couple weeks. I have figured out how to divide it so both groups will have access to their half of the duck house and I can get to both sections fairly easily and can get to the "coffin." The "coffin" is a container slightly larger than a BIG coffin that holds the feed and various tools, etc. I do plan to put some of the duck straw in it but after two bags of feed, the feed container (where the two feeds are mixed) and tools, I don't think I have room and will have to continue storing it in the barn.
It was rather amusing. After lunch I went out to feed both groups some goodies. The young ones like peas and meal worms. The older group don't really like those two things but love cat food. I sat on the ground and fed the young ones their treats. A couple of them are quite willing to get right up to momma and eat the treats. The others will get close and eat of my hand but not sit in my lap. None of the larger ones are willing to get that close but they will get fairly close. Aflac is getting closer than before. Anyway, Aflac got too close to something and the young female WH took off after her. I'm not sure if she was protecting me or their space. She is a feisty little thing. Of course, I think all my ducks are beautiful for I think the two WH are going to be really stunning.

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