The Duck Thread

Well the birds of prey, probably a red tailed hawk or a duck hawk decided my Nibble girl and killed her and injured my Male while we were out at the store. I had the sense to put the baby chicks away since they were so small but had no Idea the birds of prey could even get to my Mallards with all the trees and obstacles in my back yard.
Its a sad sad day :-(
She was my favorite.

Oh no! So sorry :( We had a little Cooper's hawk checking out the yard yesterday, but my roosters sounded the alarm so I saw it before anything happened. I am definitely putting netting over the duck pen when it's built.
Couldn't sleep... had to peek... I've got a zipper =)
Just had to share our work from over the weekend. added some sod to the inside of the duck run, finished fencing it in.
planted a different types of lettuce and kale for my ducky garden. hopefully it will keep them away from the rest of my plants.
A few pictures of my babies. Too bad my Pekings are getting too big to cuddle.
just wanted to share with fellow duck lover thanks.





Hi everyone! I am a new duck momma. I've had chickens for over a year now and love them. And wanted to expand to ducks. I got 3 lil babies yesterday. They're so cute. I believe I have 2 pekin and 1 khaki Campbell. I am going to let them swim tomorrow in a metal feed pan., making the ramp out of scrap hardware cloth and covering with shelf liner. Anyways. My question is can you guys post pics of your duck house and run. I have the run fenced off. And was thinking about making the house out of pallets or whatever scrap lumber I have. Thanks

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