The Duck Thread

@Julie Bird - I say we make your finches honorary ducks.
What are their names & do you have pics?
@Julie Bird - I say we make your finches honorary ducks.
What are their names & do you have pics?
Aw, Debbie, thank you. Yes, let's do that. The male is Jibby and female is Little Bit.
Jibby the male plumporama cuteness with the red beak. and…..
a not so good shot of Little Bit, the bird at the very bottom of the frame.

Each bird weighs about 13 grams and are each smaller than a common house sparrow. they are australian zebra finches. i actually let them out of the cage when i am home so that they can fly and move about. they are silly. and have huge personalities. I love them. trouble is I can't handle them. this morning Jibby was all puffed up and i wanted to badly to grab and kiss him. that's why i envy all of you with your ducks, you can hold and cuddle them.
Wait, wait, wait! You mean you don't even have any ducks @Julie Bird ?!! That's hysterical! I wish you lived in Kansas in my neighborhood, just so we could hang out! Lol. @duckies1230 , I'm assuming you'd be moving to Kansas too. Finding trustworthy babysitters of all sorts is, so when you do, you do what it takes to keep them, right?! Lol. Can you imagine the neighborhood we'd have?! @Amiga , @Miss Lydia , @Wifezilla , @WVduckchick
Hahahah, suzy4027, I don't but geez I am so obsessed as I am sure you have seen on these forums. They are so cute I can't stand it. I wish I was there to hang out with you. And we'd all have a great place to meet as @Debs Flock mentioned earlier, a midwest locale is a perfect place to mingle.
@Julie Bird - they're adorable!! Thanks for sharing. It is tough when you just want to scoop them up & shower them with hugs & kisses, but they won't/don't cooperate. Believe me, the majority of the time my little bundles only like me from a safe distance. I'm going to name one of my Rouens Fuzzlet!
Aw, Debbie, thank you. Yes, let's do that. The male is Jibby and female is Little Bit. Jibby the male plumporama cuteness with the red beak. and….. a not so good shot of Little Bit, the bird at the very bottom of the frame. Each bird weighs about 13 grams and are each smaller than a common house sparrow. they are australian zebra finches. i actually let them out of the cage when i am home so that they can fly and move about. they are silly. and have huge personalities. I love them. trouble is I can't handle them. this morning Jibby was all puffed up and i wanted to badly to grab and kiss him. that's why i envy all of you with your ducks, you can hold and cuddle them.
Awwww they are soooo cute! And I can imagine them flying around the house. That would be so sweet! As far as handling, my guys are letting me stroke their necks and bills some, during Pea parties of course, but they still wont let me pick them up. I have to corner them to do that! How do you get the finches back in the cage after letting them out?
Our duck-based community name might be Anatidae. Most wouldn't realize it's the biological family that includes ducks, geese and swans.

We could design it on Permaculture principles, with groves of mulberry, and hazelnut, meadows for the geese, oh, it could be lovely. Who would want to go on vacation away from such a friendly, quacky place?

I am SO there.
Aw, Debbie, thank you. Yes, let's do that. The male is Jibby and female is Little Bit.
Jibby the male plumporama cuteness with the red beak. and…..
a not so good shot of Little Bit, the bird at the very bottom of the frame.

Each bird weighs about 13 grams and are each smaller than a common house sparrow. they are australian zebra finches. i actually let them out of the cage when i am home so that they can fly and move about. they are silly. and have huge personalities. I love them. trouble is I can't handle them. this morning Jibby was all puffed up and i wanted to badly to grab and kiss him. that's why i envy all of you with your ducks, you can hold and cuddle them.

Your finches are so adorable! I had two pairs of them many years ago, they were so entertaining to watch.

Also: I can't pick up my ducks and cuddle them. I feel pretty privileged when they actually eat out of my hand! I petted Pepper on the back last night when she was scarfing on peas, and even managed to touch Poke! She NEVER lets me touch her.
ACK! I was trying to scroll up so I could keep adding names to the neighborhood directory!!! I hit reply instead! I didn't mean to make it a gated community of only my choosing, so if your name wasn't on the list, it's only because of my caffeine jitters making me hit the wrong button!
Come one, come all! Only, ya have to duck sit and share a cup of feed if someone runs out. Who cares about a cup of sugar. And I'm sure people would be turning down eggs instead of running out! Lol.

Now, what to name the neighborhood.....? Hmmm. Soggy Bottoms would work but it's not very regal and inviting. But then, a neighborhood completely covered in netting and hardware cloth will only attract a certain crowd..... Sounds gated after all! With a raccoon proof latch. A girl can dream.

I propose the name Quackerly Downs, just because all of the residents would be known as QD's (cuties)

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