The Duck Thread

Oh good grief that would be hilarious @suzy4027 lol! I can imagine the noises and smells that would come out of that neighborhood!

I'm actually taking two or three nights away from my babies this weekend. We have a place about an hour away, so I will likely drive home a couple of times to check on them though! My actual neighbors will keep an eye on them and let me know if anything comes up. I hope I can relax and not stress too much over it, but we'll see... Where's Julie Bird when I need her lol
Probably keep out those who don't belong. lol We're packing up the feed bags so count us in.!! It would be fun wouldn't it.
Have chickens but new to ducks...have 2 two week old black cayuga ducklings....not sure yet when they are old enough if I will put them in with chickens or set up a new separate area for them outside....can you guys post pictures of your duck house/run areas so I can get ideas of how to set mine up...
Hey guys. Anybody have a clue what this pretty guy might be?



He's so cute, but a complete lunatic. He's my neighbor's and sort of a rescue. He has a freakish mating drive. Like a switch flipped overnight! The only thing he hasn't mounted is the chickens and rooster. Thank the Dear Lord his self preservation seems to have won out on that decision. He's being separated again. No one can pull the trigger because he was the court jester for a while and made us all laugh. I think they hope he'll snap out of it. Any way that might happen? Obviously, they have a female muscovy who's sitting eggs, a pair of pekins that are around 14wks and a pair of rouens that are around 12wks. He's had it out for the pekin male since it arrived, attacking it with what looks like intent to kill, not just dominate, but they've always been separated. The recent intergration didn't go well.... It was rape and pillage palooza. Not easy to watch.


The mallard looking are too big to be mallards, right? Ones sounds like a female and the other presents as male. Lol. When they were just fuzzy brown and yellow puff balls, one had a stripe and a dot by their eye and the other had 2 stripes, so we thought, 1 Rouen and 1 mallard. I have no clue. They sure look big for a mallard!
Hahahah, suzy4027, I don't but geez I am so obsessed as I am sure you have seen on these forums.  They are so cute I can't stand it.  I wish I was there to hang out with you. And we'd all have a great place to meet as @Debs Flock
 mentioned earlier, a midwest locale is a perfect place to mingle.  
Hahahah, suzy4027, I don't but geez I am so obsessed as I am sure you have seen on these forums.  They are so cute I can't stand it.  I wish I was there to hang out with you. And we'd all have a great place to meet as @Debs Flock
 mentioned earlier, a midwest locale is a perfect place to mingle.  
I think if I lived in a neighborhood with y'all then I would have no problem finding a trustworthy babysitter for my ducks and Ryleigh! Yet my husband would either leave me or go completely insane. Thank you Julie bird for liking the name. I tried to make it different. Completely off the topic, does anyone know how to make a duck diaper??? I swore I would never be nutty and go that far but I think I need to let the ducks upstairs SOME TIMES without having duck pooo everywhere, I tried putting Ryleighs diaper on charlie and that didn't go so well, it just doesn't work. Oh my gosh, what have I become!?
Your finches are so adorable! I had two pairs of them many years ago, they were so entertaining to watch.

Also: I can't pick up my ducks and cuddle them. I feel pretty privileged when they actually eat out of my hand! I petted Pepper on the back last night when she was scarfing on peas, and even managed to touch Poke! She NEVER lets me touch her.
Oh, thank you Kaessa. I love them so much. Right now I can hear Jibby doing his male song downstairs. I love it. I am stoked you had some a while back too. They are so entertaining to watch. They do make me laugh.

Pepper scarfing on peas makes me laugh. Good for you sneaking in a pet on her back and for touching Poke too. How did she allow that? But I have to ask you this; do you find it hard to not to be able to touch them freely when you are subjected to the sight of them all the time? It just kills me not to touch my birds. I have on occasion handled mine and when they are handled, one hand grips the bird and I kiss his or her head. Their little bodies are so soft and warm. This morning Jibby was all puffed out to the size and shape of a light bulb, bulbous on the breast end then tapering to the tail and I wanted so bad to grab and squeeze and kiss him but I couldn't. They freak out too much so I have to just admire them from a distance safe for them.

When I was house sitting my friend's ducks last year for a week I was so thrilled to go tend to them. Kinda doing the same things you all do with yours. Changing their pool water, changing their drinking water, replenishing the food dishes, hosing off the poopie patio, etc. But when it was time to put them to bed I got to pick them up. The Pekin hated it and would squirm like mad but the Welsh Harlequin was okay with it. I loved petting them and they were so soft. Ducks are a hugely cute bird in my opinion.

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