The Duck Thread

No, no, didn't take anything wrong. Just new here and am still truly not navigating well. In fact I don't know what I said to you. Sorry.
No no no that's fine I was just curious :) wondered what your opinion on that whole deal was. :) carry on!
It is amazing how a 50 dollar investment in a few chickens for eggs has turned into a many hundreds of dollars per month enterprise with chickens ducks and geese. It is all worth it in the long run though...the pleasure of their company sort of thing. For example, this afternoon I sat out under an old oak tree while I grilled our dinner and watched all my birds go about their afternoon of scratching, flapping about and running across the field with their goslings in tow. What more could you possible want.
I know! We have spent over a thousand pounds on the ducks!! We have paid £800 on coops and £300 building enclosures pplus all the money for food etc! Awww.. that a perfect afternoon,
They are so good for one's mental well-being. I love sitting and watching my duckies. They are so comical!! Regarding ducklings, they give you sooo much love. Winnie never wants to leave my side!
Would rubber mats be okay to use in the coop along with shavings? I have 6 pekins and with them coming in and out of the pool and pooping and drinking I think it might be easier to clean. Plus, I would think it would be ideal on their feet and legs?

I cut up a old stall mat we used for the horses to lay down inside the coop. Super easy to pull out 4 sections hose them down let them dry and throw it back in.
Elmer the stuck duck...

sorry all. I guess I am not posting correctly and started my own thread, so this is a repeat.

I had trouble with my hatch last week.
My ducklings appeared to be stuck - I suspect low humidity. The first one was literally glued to the floor of the incubator. With warm water mist and patience (had to come by) he was freed and continued to hatch on his own - was most of the way out when stuck.

The rest of the crew did not emerge without help - the first one that evening and the rest the next day.

While this guy seemed fine at first he is now SO much smaller than the rest. and quieter. He does eat and drink, but not as much as his friends. I have Poly Vi Sol but he will not accept it. He is the least friendly/handleable of the 6.

This morning he was trapped on his back in the shavings.

They get greens and he does eat some. Can you force Poly Vi Sol?

Any ideas? please? anyone? This is Elmer with the next born - Jumbo - so you can appreciate the size difference. He also now seems to have a bit of a hard time getting around. IDK if it's lameness or just weakness, but he sure can yell and still drinking and eating. only what HE wants.

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