The Duck Thread

Someone help!!!!

It may be too early to tell for some of the eggs. I don't candle until day 7. I've had eggs not show veins til day7-8. Are you sure all the eggs are fertile? (We've all incubated duds!!!) this one may be a quitter. I'd give it some time. Check for an odor from each egg periodically too.
It may be too early to tell for some of the eggs. I don't candle until day 7. I've had eggs not show veins til day7-8. Are you sure all the eggs are fertile? (We've all incubated duds!!!) this one may be a quitter. I'd give it some time. Check for an odor from each egg periodically too.
Ok I'll do that thank you
Today would have been day 5. I saw veins on Saturday evening. None of my other duck eggs had formed veins at all. I'm concerned for my duck what could I be doing wrong? My chicken eggs in the other incubator are doing great, my dad lives outside the city and he gave me abandoned eggs and those are doing great. What do you think about the duck egg? I don't see any veins

It may be too early to tell for some of the eggs. I don't candle until day 7. I've had eggs not show veins til day7-8. Are you sure all the eggs are fertile? (We've all incubated duds!!!) this one may be a quitter. I'd give it some time. Check for an odor from each egg periodically too.

Yes, exactly! Day 5 is not uncommon to NOT see anything in duck eggs. I'm not sure if the yolk and albumen are just more dense, or if the veins just take longer to be seen while candling, but by day 7-8 you should definitely get a better picture.... and then comes days 12ish-18ish, where the little boogers just swim all over the egg! Its very exciting! Good luck!
I got scared when I didn't see veins because I saw some forming on Saturday, I turn seven times a day by hand and since none of my other duck eggs were viable I candled to see what was going on. When all I saw was the dark spot I turned to my duck buddies on BYC. Does this sound common? Will veins just disappear?

Yes, exactly!  Day 5 is not uncommon to NOT see anything in duck eggs.  I'm not sure if the yolk and albumen are just more dense, or if the veins just take longer to be seen while candling, but by day 7-8 you should definitely get a better picture.... and then comes days 12ish-18ish, where the little boogers just swim all over the egg!  Its very exciting!   Good luck!
I got scared when I didn't see veins because I saw some forming on Saturday, I turn seven times a day by hand and since none of my other duck eggs were viable I candled to see what was going on. When all I saw was the dark spot I turned to my duck buddies on BYC. Does this sound common? Will veins just disappear? @WVduckchick @caesargirl
It's a very sad day here in my house....i just walked in to check on my ducks and one of them had passed away
RIP little one you will be dearly missed.
I am so sorry for you. It is probably nothing you could have done anything about. Raising baby birds of any sort is a very touch and go situation and there are often losses. That does not make it any easier to deal with and I know what you must be feeling right now. Treasure the ones that are left and keep your eye on them to make sure your loss was not associated with some disease. Bless you.

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