The Duck Thread

Does JoJo like the kale.  Does he eat it out of the ground?  How are you both doing?

He usually loves kale. He hasn't been eating well, some symptoms are the same but i believe hes greiving bad. Hes scared of all stuffed animals, stands in his mirror all day. Im off tomorrow so im gonna try to be with him as much as possible. Im terridied hes going to become ill too!
I'm in the UK about an hour outside of London, I've tried a few local farmers but no luck yet!

I am so greatful I have found you and would love to take you up on your offer of help!

I hatched lots of ducklings when younger with the help of my mum and the incubator has hatched chicks recently so no problem there!

It doesn't have a humidity checker but I don't think this was an issue as the membrane looked wet and healthy when I looked inside!

I've heard calls are really hard to hatch! But I would really like some! I'm going to try and leave the pat as it is now and look forward trying again!

Thanks again!
I have shipped eggs to the UK, I have found that once you get the eggs,let them rest, and depending where they are coming from say the USA, you need to give them extra days to rest, which is really risky because if the eggs aren't FRESH and fresh meaning within a couple of days, then won't develop.

Calls are hard that is why they call it the CALL DUCK CHALLENGE, because it is all that..
What cuties!
Is it hot where you are? I'm on my phone so can't see pics all that well. Do they quack or are they raspy? That is the easiest way to tell. I have 5 ducks and within the last week all but 2 have stopped laying mostly due to heat. It has been over 100* out though. My welshie started laying around 22 weeks.

Thank you & yes. We're in South Central California (Bakersfield).This summer's temps have not been overall and consistently as as hot as they should be, but still in mid to upper 90's here, whereas from May through mid September we usually see 103-113°with low humidity. It was over 100° earlier in the summer than now which is crazy rare. As far as the noises, it's hard to know. My mama duck, Neurotica (& aptly named), quacks for sure. I don't recall ever hearing my other adult girl much. And the 3 young ones-well I don't know if they are girls or drakes. My adult drake, of course, doesn't quack. They are all quiet unless disturbed. They do not like people much, so they will sound off at times when I'm in their pen,but still I can't tell who is who, and it's always Neurotica I hear loud and clear. Sometimes I think she just likes talking to me when I'm out there feeding all the animals, but seems I understand chicken better than duck:) Before I allowed the 2 adult birds to brood (big mistake on my inexperienced part),I was getting 2 eggs a day every day. After the ducklings hatched, no eggs came up until maybe finally about month ago.I had 2 eggs one day, then 1 daily for maybe a couple of weeks, to now-none.They are all healthy birds, and they seem happy; so I'm at a loss as to why the egg production has totally stopped. Btw, my 3 young ones are just 3 months old. So how old would they need to be before I would be able to tell by their voices what gender they are? One day I'll look at their tails and think I've 3 females. Next day just the opposite:)
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He usually loves kale. He hasn't been eating well, some symptoms are the same but i believe hes greiving bad. Hes scared of all stuffed animals, stands in his mirror all day. Im off tomorrow so im gonna try to be with him as much as possible. Im terridied hes going to become ill too!
oh no. I don't like hearing this. Poor sweet JoJo. I feel for him being scared of his stuffed animals. I hope it's only shock and it goes away with time. I am glad you are off today and can be with him. I think you really need each other now. This makes me really sad. I know that birds are easily stressed. When my finches are they seem to drop a bunch of feathers and breathe heavily. I hate that. Please continue to keep us posted if you can, no pressure though. I don't want to bug you and make you think you have to stop everything to post here.

This is Martini! Thanks to some great people here she has survived a very rough start.
Store bought egg, hatched 3 days early, VERY sticky, ruptured yolk.... Thank you Lamps!!
Back atcha Lamp. I wasn't able to offer any help since I don't own webs. Goodness, she is so cute. Wish I was holding her cute little warm body.
Thank you, that means a lot! I try but being a first time duck parent you always wonder if you could do more!

Dogs, Parrots, cats...I have those down to a science but ducks are new yet :)

Thank you everyone else as well!

Does anyone have any good ideas for female names? We will be getting our three new Muscovies this week sometime!

Currently our girls names are: Penelope (aka Little duck), Luna, Oakley and our boys are Willow, Wobbles and Pogo.
You are so welcome. I have a feeling you will ease into the knowledge it takes to care for them. BYC is a plethora of incredible information brought to all of us by some incredible people.

I've heard Muscovies are nice and mellow ducks. Names are so hard to come up with. I always struggle when I get a new finch. The day I named Jibby I had just pulled out of Petsmart after purchasing him and a semi pulling a trailer said JIB on it and that's how I came up with his name.

My buddy who has ducks had his kids come up with their names and the names are capital cities in the US.
Oh my, the funniest thing just happened. One of my young roosters gave Sugar, my female pekin, a hard time and pushed her away from the feeder so his hens could eat. Well, the rooster was feeling pretty full of himself until he turned around and there's Hershey, my drake, who wastes no time chasing him off so Sugar could eat. Seeing this, Sugar immediately sidled up to him and started the mating invitation head bob. It was if she was saying, "Oh my, look and how brave and strong you are defending me! Take me now, you stud!" I admit I started cracking up.
Oh my, the funniest thing just happened. One of my young roosters gave Sugar, my female pekin, a hard time and pushed her away from the feeder so his hens could eat. Well, the rooster was feeling pretty full of himself until he turned around and there's Hershey, my drake, who wastes no time chasing him off so Sugar could eat. Seeing this, Sugar immediately sidled up to him and started the mating invitation head bob. It was if she was saying, "Oh my, look and how brave and strong you are defending me! Take me now, you stud!" I admit I started cracking up.

Sugar, you frisky girl duck!

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