The Duck Thread

Drakes or hens. We have 6 Muscovys. All 3 months old. Pretty sure on 4 of them but not these two. White one in the first pic???? I think the dark one in the first pic is a hen. I may be way off. Any guesses appreciated
Sorry for the lack of answers, but I would look for a specific Muscovy thread you will find more Muscovy answers. I for one could not help you here.
Hi GUys,
With no responses I'm guessing I posted on the wrong thread or didn't follow protocol or?   Anyway can someone tell me where I could go to get a few answers?
PM Miss Lydia or Buck Oakes. They are experienced Scovy people. Oh, and so is Scovy Momma. Good luck!
Drakes or hens. We have 6 Muscovys. All 3 months old. Pretty sure on 4 of them but not these two. White one in the first pic???? I think the dark one in the first pic is a hen. I may be way off. Any guesses appreciated
Sorry I can't help you but I am tagging Miss Lydia who have this breed and may be able to help. She may need pictures of the full body but I am sure she will say if she does...

@Miss Lydia

They are very nice looking duck to by the way.
Jade and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day...

I never vent on here, but I'm making an exception today. One of those times where one thing after another goes wrong, and I wish I could just go to bed until tomorrow. A/C issue that's been going on for a week and had multiple technicians look at it. Since it comes and goes, none of them can figure out what's wrong. Right now, though, the house is cool enough to tolerate.

My hubby had parts of the outdoors sprayed for insects a few days ago. The moron did exactly opposite what hubby had asked him to do, so opposite, in fact, that I'm considering right now that I might sue them if they don't quickly agree to at least refund our money. Do not spray in any of these areas. We don't want areas anywhere near our ducks sprayed, and spraying in these areas will force insects inside our house. That simple. DON'T SPRAY THESE AREAS!

Yes, your guess is right. They sprayed those areas. Hubby came home as he was doing it, and the guy said he personally owns ducks, chickens and rabbits, uses it on his own property, and it's safe for all pets after 4 hours. In an abundance of caution, we kept all the ducks penned for two full days, which led to what I imagine would look like schizophrenia in ducks if ducks were subject to it.

The day after the spraying, I began finding ants in the kitchen. Killed what I could see, sprayed around baseboards, etc. Couldn't tell where they were coming in. Still found more ants yesterday, sprayed again, and I was welcomed this morning when I went out to get my coffee to an infestation of ants crawling on every surface in the kitchen.

Then a couple of hours ago, and this is the worst of it and it's most of the reason I even brought myself to post this, incubator failure. Hubby went into our hatching room to get something and called me. The turner the incubator was on had snapped, the incubator was laying on its side, and all the eggs that had been in it had been jarred down into the hood. The hood had separated from the base, and the eggs were cool to the touch. Two were badly cracked in the fall.

At this point, we've gotten the incubator back on another turner and waxed the eggs that were cracked. One of those still showed movement. Others that had been alive didn't show movement, but we put them back in for now since they might still be okay once they warm up. One egg that was due to be locked down today still showed some movement, so I'm praying that will still be the case tonight when we get ready to lock it down.

For any of you who believe in prayer, please say a little prayer that our babies will make it. Regardless of that, I really, really need some hugs. :hit
I'm glad you're doing better, and I'm also very happy to hear there are no signs of physical illness with JoJo. Is he still spending all his time hanging out in front of the mirror?

Yes he still is obsessed with the mirror, I have to clean him every morning bc he has his poo all over him from bc he stays right there. But now he at least leaves the mirror sometimes to eat and drink. I guess its a start...:/ :confused:
Drakes or hens. We have 6 Muscovys. All 3 months old. Pretty sure on 4 of them but not these two. White one in the first pic???? I think the dark one in the first pic is a hen. I may be way off. Any guesses appreciated
Sorry I can't help you but I am tagging Miss Lydia who have this breed and may be able to help. She may need pictures of the full body but I am sure she will say if she does... @Miss Lydia They are very nice looking duck to by the way.
The white one look' s like a drake. . Im not a expert. . :frow Mrs. Lydia
Drakes or hens. We have 6 Muscovys. All 3 months old. Pretty sure on 4 of them but not these two. White one in the first pic???? I think the dark one in the first pic is a hen. I may be way off. Any guesses appreciated
They can sure fool ya, by now drakes should be much larger than females their legs are a big giveaway set farther apart under their body with longer body length too, females will have foot ball shaped body's shorter tails than drakes and legs set closer together to when they walk they look pigeon toed If you still have trouble post pics of the full body front view and side view. Beautiful Scovy's.

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