The Duck Thread

Dog house with momma ducks at 30% humidity meat thermometer 90 in water temperature outside of dog house 80 f inside 82 f on front back one at 80 f temp 90f and 35 but just put back one in 10 minutes ago so it might have to adjust from outside air to in dog house air no lights or heating pad or vaporizer or humidifier going at these time tell I can get the part. To we connect circuit board . Warm air cool air heat. Plus momma ducks. Equal to what when eggs laid. To what is the promising hatch rate. Physics and math to equal to Heath and safety of chicks and hens to ducks and duckings.
Awwwwww! And she's hanging with her BFF! So cute! Look how huge that pekin is! your f/w gives me hope... My Phoebe is looking a little awkward as she goes through her teen years... ;) your girl is SO pretty! I'm not kidding, her face is pretty! XD

Oh my, that poof is just fabulous! Lmao, all ducks have that awkward teen stage, but I think yours is going to come out looking just fine. My husband thinks that the little runner is the cutest of our ducks. I dont see much of a difference between her and our other fawn/white girl but maybe that's just me lol. That pekin is her best bud right now (and thanksgiving dinner :( )I can't get over how chubby he looks! His feathers on his head are positioned weird too so it looks like he's got a big dip in his brain lol. They're just a funny pair of ducks.

Yesterday, I watched the little runner (still no name yet, I'm bad at names) lay down on the ground with her rear in the air and "present" herself to the pekin. But he's only a couple months old and doesn't understand what to do. So he just walked over top of her like she was just an obstacle in his path.the squawk she let loose when his big feet squished her was just too funny.
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Here's a pic of our cuties! Pekins and Runners. :)

Just wondering what everyone does for a deworming schedule for their ducks? What do you use, how often.
Thank you. If it is a cataract is there anything that can be done? I definitely will keep her even if she is blind but if there is anything I can do I definitely want to help her. The bluish color is on and below the iris, so it's not on the pupil yet. But I'm assuming it will probably spread.
I suggest getting advise from a vet. I know they can be expensive but I really don't know of anything you can do, if it was an infection I'd suggest vet or trying Terramycin eye ointment but it doesn't sound like infection. Us humans can have cataracts removed.

Here's a pic of our cuties! Pekins and Runners. :)

Just wondering what everyone does for a deworming schedule for their ducks? What do you use, how often.

My vet's advice: don't deworm an animal that does not have worms.

I have not had to deworm any ducks - been raising them for six years.

If you are concerned, consider a once-a-year fecal test at a time they are not laying (so that if you do need to medicate them, no eggs are wasted).
My vet's advice: don't deworm an animal that does not have worms.

I have not had to deworm any ducks - been raising them for six years.

If you are concerned, consider a once-a-year fecal test at a time they are not laying (so that if you do need to medicate them, no eggs are wasted).
that sounds like good advice. :) we just got in new piglets that haven't been dewormed, so deworming is on my mind right now. i havent seen any sign of worms in our adult ducks. ducks seem so much hardier than chickens in so many ways! if i can get my son to eat duck eggs, we might just phase the chickens out altogether. :)
Thank you. If it is a cataract is there anything that can be done? I definitely will keep her even if she is blind but if there is anything I can do I definitely want to help her. The bluish color is on and below the iris, so it's not on the pupil yet. But I'm assuming it will probably spread.

Hi i had 1 duck that had a similar thing. We took it it a vet who did t really know what to do. Gave us some eye ointment (for cats) but did not appear to get any better. So took it to another vet who gave us eye drops and antibiotics. Unfortunately she did go blind in 1 eye. We segregated her as the other ducks shunned her. She went down hill quickly. Happily she made a good recovery. Still blind in 1 eye but she has got used to it and now leads a normal life.

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