The Duck Thread

Hey just got them. One duck died in transit. 3 are fine and running and one hasn't walked yet. I did vitamins made her drink shes under heat lamp. Anything else or just cross finvers
She died. Looks like im loosing a chick too. But the rest seem fine
I'm so sorry!!!
Hopefully your chick will be okay!
Don't leave her in the open and up next to a fence over night, your asking for raccoons or other preds to reach in and try to pull her through which will not be nice to see come morning, or they will just go over top and take her out. She needs a safe place inside their house where she has some privacy a piece of plywood laid up against the wall and secured can help then place her eggs under so she see them this will encourage her to lay inside where she will be safe. and her eggs also. @Y-Knot
I'd NEVER leave her out in the open. She has left two eggs by the fence. If I move her eggs into a plastic dog crate where I can lock the door at night or move them back into the duck house would that cause her to no longer want to set on them? If I really feel she is going to set, I want her to be safe. I am not positive but I think she might be my very favorite so I will do all I can to keep her safe. They are all favorites but she is our very favorite. The only reason I think it is her is because she used to lay eggs in the location last year. If there isn't another egg there today, I'll just figure she laid there because I let them out before she was finished. When they rush out of the duck house the is no going back. At least that is the way they seem to believe.

Thanks for your answer.

I'd NEVER leave her out in the open. She has left two eggs by the fence. If I move her eggs into a plastic dog crate where I can lock the door at night or move them back into the duck house would that cause her to no longer want to set on them? If I really feel she is going to set, I want her to be safe. I am not positive but I think she might be my very favorite so I will do all I can to keep her safe. They are all favorites but she is our very favorite. The only reason I think it is her is because she used to lay eggs in the location last year. If there isn't another egg there today, I'll just figure she laid there because I let them out before she was finished. When they rush out of the duck house the is no going back. At least that is the way they seem to believe.

Thanks for your answer.

Okay good. some do and are very sorry later when they find their duck pulled apart. eggs scattered all over and broken.

I'd take those eggs and place them either in the dog crate inside their house not right as they walk in the door though you want her to have some privacy. Or just make her a little area where you can put her eggs and see what she does. And let them out a little later than you normally do.
How many have died @yoopergirl1211
That is so very sad for you and for the babies.  How many do you have still okay? 

This time they sent 5 ducks and 10 chicks. One duckwas dead when I picked them up and was dead for awhile I think. Then I lost one more duck soon after getting home and settled. So there are 3 leftthat seem fine and running around 3 chicks have already died and 2 seem iffy but I think I might be able to save them yet.

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