The Duck Thread

Hey guys! Think I might have a broody Peking!!
We'll see what happens but I'm up to 8 broody girls now and starting to figure out signs. Most would be Peking Muscovy mixes and I know fertility rate is low with them but maybe!
My two KC are still co brooding in a corner and two of my Muscovies are almost do. The other pushed all of her eggs around her instead of under for some reason so I dont have a lot of hope for them. And my ducklings spent first night in coop! I let them run around it during day while the big guys are out and put them in kennel at night.
Hey guys! Think I might have a broody Peking!! View attachment 552244We'll see what happens but I'm up to 8 broody girls now and starting to figure out signs. Most would be Peking Muscovy mixes and I know fertility rate is low with them but maybe!
My two KC are still co brooding in a corner and two of my Muscovies are almost do. The other pushed all of her eggs around her instead of under for some reason so I dont have a lot of hope for them. And my ducklings spent first night in coop! I let them run around it during day while the big guys are out and put them in kennel at night.
View attachment 552244 View attachment 552251
I'm so jealous! I've been desparetely wanting one of my ducks to go broody for over a year now, and you've got 8! :th
Hey guys! I have a female Saxony duck, and she is currently laying eggs. Everyday, she makes a nest with her feathers, sticks, leaves, and dirt. She sticks her eggs in there, and is becoming extremely moody. (by screaming every time I come near her.) I do not want more ducks, since I already have many, so I keep disassembling her nest, but every day she keeps making it. Anyone know how to stop this in a nice, friendly way?
Hey guys! Think I might have a broody Peking!! View attachment 552244We'll see what happens but I'm up to 8 broody girls now and starting to figure out signs. Most would be Peking Muscovy mixes and I know fertility rate is low with them but maybe!
My two KC are still co brooding in a corner and two of my Muscovies are almost do. The other pushed all of her eggs around her instead of under for some reason so I dont have a lot of hope for them. And my ducklings spent first night in coop! I let them run around it during day while the big guys are out and put them in kennel at night.
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Your EI's are SO pretty. I have one tiny Cayuga right now with my magpies and I hope he gets that beautiful!

My Pekins are starting to spend all day outside, at night they are on the porch in a big pool style brooder. They're probably two weeks away or less from moving to the big house permanently I may have an unhealthy attachment to those two...
Hello everyone, I have 3 Rouen hens that have gone broody and we've candled the eggs and I think we should be expecting ducklings in a few days! Do I let the babies stay with their mamas or do I bring them inside in the brooder? New grandma here!! Thanks for any advice!
Do you have a safe separate area outside for her and the newly hatched babies, away from the other ducks? Larger ducks can and will hurt the tiny babies. I think it's best for her mental health if she gets to keep them but safety of the ducklings is of course priority number one!

I lost my mallard a while back. She wouldn't stop going across the road. But the morning she got hit she laid an egg and I put it under a Muscovy. I checked it today and I can see movment by the air cell and hear it. Is that what you guys mean by peeping? How close is it do you think? I have hatch day down as Wed .

Oh and my babies were exploring the yard today!
View attachment 554380 I lost my mallard a while back. She wouldn't stop going across the road. But the morning she got hit she laid an egg and I put it under a Muscovy. I checked it today and I can see movment by the air cell and hear it. Is that what you guys mean by peeping? How close is it do you think? I have hatch day down as Wed .

Oh and my babies were exploring the yard today!

Sorry about your Mallard :hugs If it's peeping than it's likely already internally pipped so depending on when it pipped you should see an external pip tomorrow or Monday.

Cuties! I tried to take picures of mine today, then when I couldn't get them all in one picture it dawned on me that "Man I really do have a lot of ducks!"


View attachment 554380 I lost my mallard a while back. She wouldn't stop going across the road. But the morning she got hit she laid an egg and I put it under a Muscovy. I checked it today and I can see movment by the air cell and hear it. Is that what you guys mean by peeping? How close is it do you think? I have hatch day down as Wed .

Oh and my babies were exploring the yard today!

Your little snoweys are adorable!! So tiny :clap

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