The EE braggers thread!!!

so, as of yesterday 7 of my 11 EE's from my August hatch are laying eggs. and those 7 are all giving me blue/green eggs, how lucky am I hahaha. Oh Marbles, he does have the dominant blue gene. What a good boy !!!

Well yesterday I added another Easter Egger hen to my collection,
that makes #12. She was a Silver Duckwingish looking hen, she did not have muff or beard, buut had little earring looking thins protruding from her ears. I call them earrings, but I think they are more like small tufts like Araucana's have. Maybe sh is part Araucana,
but I'm still calling her an Easter Egger. I'm gonna see if she'll produce the beard with my rooster.
Since this is the "braggers thread" I'm going to do some bragging!!!!!
I have been reading all the posts about how horrible hatchery chickens are and especially the roosters, mean w/ people, w/ the girls, ugly, small etc..... So I have been very worried about my little Oreo man growing up to be an the Mr. Hyde of the chicken world. My boy is an EE, hatchery ("mutt" not my word.)

Anyway I was out w/ the girls today doing some prepatory garden work digging in the ground. I found a couple of grubs and other insects. When I would find one I would call the girls over more times then not Oreo (my boy) would come running and when he would get there first he more times then not offered it to his girls instead of eating it himself.
He will still eat out of my hand and he comes to me and "talks" to me and lets me pet him. He doesn't get in my lap anymore like he did when young, the girls still do, at least a few of the most friendly.

I understand he is still young under 20 wks, and I may have to eat my words, but I'm betting on my little roo.
Hmmmm, intriguing.... do you have any photos of her? It will be fun to see what color eggs she lays. congratulation.

No pictures yet. It is so messey around my house with all that snow we got last week melting off. I'll try to get some soon though.

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