The EE braggers thread!!!

I remember the first chicks I got. We bought them from a local lady who sells them at a feed store. She told us that they were 3 months old. I had no idea what the growth rate of chickens was so I believed her. I put them outside in their new chicken coop. It rained a little that night. They got a little chilly. The next week they all were sneezing and I had to give them medicine. Then I decided I love chickens, read everything I could on this forum, ordered some day old chicks. Later realized my first batch of chicks were more like 3 weeks old...still too young to be out in the cold without a heat lamp. Ugh. I am surprised I didn't kill them! Poor things. I can't believe the lady I bought them from wasn't worried about their survival. She really should have made sure I knew their age or something. Those babies still should have been in a brooder box.
I remember DH scribbling things down so I went through his notes and found he wrote their age, he has 8 wks old on them.

When my son brought his chicks home from science class it was all new to us, we were trying to read up on everything and keep up with an age chart, it was funny to watch, we developed a Chick-A-Day Chart, I have to find it for my new peeps. But it had important ages for certain things, do's and don'ts etc

I wanted to expand on our chart to include pics of how the chicks look at different ages, right feed, water, temp, I want to fill it full of info:) and adorable pictures

Christie Rhae: I am so glad you didn't loose any!
8 weeks probably seems more likely though what do I know, I'm a brand new chicken mama. Just for fun, I went and took a couple of pics just now. I'm "working from home" today so that means I can do things like that, right? Sure. Tomorrow we'll have had them for a month, and I believe the EEs are over 5 weeks judging by how much larger they were when we got them, and how much more mature they look now. And the BRs/RIR/?? chicks are probably between 4.5-5 weeks.

Here's Lady (hopefully a lady)

And Wendy. None of her pictures really show it, but she's very blue/grey with brown lacing coming in on her neck feathers. I think she may end up being the prettiest in the bunch!

And Misty wanted her picture taken, too. She's a BR, and my favorite cause she likes to hang out on my shoulder and is the only one of 8 who doesn't seem to hate/be terrified of me! Any advice on getting your chicks to comfortable around you? I feed them treats out of my hand, but after that's over with they run from me...


Also any advice on getting the pictures to show up landscape instead of portrait would be appreciated. I know the actual photos are correct, but they upload 90 degrees off!

edited for typos, and more info.
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Haha! Yes, we found that out a week after we got him. We of course got him out of the pullet bin. I just wish I would have thought to read about the possibility of sexing chicks by color because he had everything that a male BR should have, and I picked him because he was different, and his fluff was just a mess! So he went from being Hot Mess Henrietta, to Hot Mess Henri (because he's clearly French). His comb shot up overnight last week, and it's just now turning red. He's a cutie, and I'm fine with having one roo. That's why Lady needs to be a lady!
Velvet Hairpiece: they are so pretty, I could scoop them all up and love 'em!

Oh I know, I am learning so much, I am on here reading a lot in between cleaning and building the new coop.

when I was younger I grew up with chickens, turkeys and peacocks but when your young you just remember having them and our dad bought us our very own bantam for a pet, mine was the fuzziest little thing, feathers from head to toe, she was rumpless and she had so many feathers on her face and feet you couldn't see her eyes or toes, so we called her FuzzyWuzzy, sadly tho wild dogs got into the chicken yard and killed everything in sight, chickens, turkeys and all but 1 peacock which wandered off to a neighboring farm that had a single pea fowl, so we let him go he was happy there

And now many years later I got bit by the chicken addiction and just love them to pieces! Even my DH that grew up in the city has really enjoyed their company, he likes getting up and feeding them, then I found him earlier giving them treats while he was trimming the bushes.
WKYChick: That's great about the DH loving it! I have always lived kind of out in the country (actually from the sunny side of Louisivlle in Southern Indiana-I figure you're from western ky- what are you near?) but we never had chickens, despite my mom's nickname being "chick"! In an effort to be more self sustaining I started trying to find out small ways that I could get into that lifestyle, and I picked up a mother earth news magazine and saw an article about the barred rocks. Then I started reading all about chickens and convinced myself that it was a perfect step into the sustainable lifestyle I want to lead. So, here we are! I'm so excited about it! I do love my little chickies, and I get so excited talking about them to all of my conservative, republican, buying-everything-made-in-china co-workers and thoroughly enjoy their faces of fear.

In an unrelated peacock story, when I was still living in Floyds Knobs, IN, there used to be a peacock that was part of a flock of wild turkeys. We'd see him occasionally and in the evenings my sister and I would "call" to it to hear it's response. It was a lot of fun! I guess it got loose from someone's backyard and made a home with the big guys!
I coul;d tell with more certainty if you posted a straight on photo of Lady's comb, but I do think Lady is a boy.
Velvet Hairpiece: I live outside of Mayfield KY, in Graves County, I grew up in Columbus KY on 100 acres of land and I miss that so much, I married and lived with my DH in St. Louis for 7 yrs until his accident and we moved to KY, I would love more land but I am happy here, everyone thought I was crazy when I told them I wanted chickens for their eggs and I also would like to introduce other smaller livestock but chickens are good start and so addicting!

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