The EE braggers thread!!!

I got my first GREEN egg today! Actually just started getting eggs last week LOL from my B Aussie but today I found a green one and was so thrilled.

I am not sure which of my four EE's laid it though. LOL

I got my first egg yesterday. It was white, but I don't care I was still excited. I have a EE hen and two pullets as well as 2 Brown Leghorns, 2 Black Australoups, and a Silver laced Wyandotte. I have been down there twice to check for eggs. I feel like I need to start cheering.
Hi all...question about EE's. I've got 15 BR's that I adopted full-size last August. They are doing well. Hubby and I decided to get a new batch of chicks to add to the lot because the BR's are 2+ yrs old and we want to maintain eggs. So, we decided on Astraulops (sorry, sp?) and considering a handful of EE's just because I think my boys would get a kick out of the colored eggs.

I'm up in Northern Lower MI...can anyone tell me how temp hardy these birds are? We swing from stretches of negative temps in the winter to 90+ or higher in the summer...I have plenty of ventilation...that's not my concern. Just wondering how these ladies lay during big temp swings and such.

Thanks so much!

Hi all...question about EE's. I've got 15 BR's that I adopted full-size last August. They are doing well. Hubby and I decided to get a new batch of chicks to add to the lot because the BR's are 2+ yrs old and we want to maintain eggs. So, we decided on Astraulops (sorry, sp?) and considering a handful of EE's just because I think my boys would get a kick out of the colored eggs.

I'm up in Northern Lower MI...can anyone tell me how temp hardy these birds are? We swing from stretches of negative temps in the winter to 90+ or higher in the summer...I have plenty of ventilation...that's not my concern. Just wondering how these ladies lay during big temp swings and such.

Thanks so much!

I have 4 EE hens that started laying last October. They were doing an awesome job, laying 5-6 times a week until a cold snap came through. Once it got below freezing they really slowed down. I don't think that's normal though. Most people say their EEs lay right through the winter, especially if it's their first one. They are super fun though! I'd have them even if they didn't lay well in the warmer weather. I think mine only stopped because the weather changed abruptly. If the weather changes from warm to cool at a normal pace I don't think it would phase them. But, you know they say in Arkansas, if you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes, it'll change...we went from having 60 degree days to 30 overnight.
Ha! Know what you mean about the weather! They say the same thing here in's not unusual in spring/fall to run the air conditioner and the furnace on the same day (No Joke!
). Right now, we've got single digits and negative wind chills...last Saturday, it was 50 deg! We're supposed to be cold through Thurs this week and then have rain and mid 30's again next weekend (it's been such a weird winter!).

Thanks for the feedback though...I'm really excited to get them...hopefully by the end of the month. I was just looking for some experienced folks to let me know what I could expect!

Thanks again!
I got my first GREEN egg today! Actually just started getting eggs last week LOL from my B Aussie but today I found a green one and was so thrilled.

I am not sure which of my four EE's laid it though. LOL

congrats! yours looks greener than mine. I was hoping for some OEs but the only one to hatch last year was a cockerel.

This was my first one off my EE pullets (the light green/blue one) the other eggs are from my Orp pullets
Well the egg train has finally started around here and I got my first EE eggs this week. I'm pretty sure the EExblack australorp is the one laying, the duck has been laying since before the first of the year, the buff orpingtons are the survivors of a dog attack right at POL and are just now starting to lay. The Wellies are a mixed bag.

The duck egg is the white one at 12:00, then the next two are BO, the next three are Welsummer or Wellie crosses and then the first cute little green egg.
Congrads to all new eggs ! I get blue green daily from the white ams and one from a bantam Polish but that is it. Today I threatened the stew potters.

I don't any birds lay 365 days a year. Most need to slow down and stop during the shortened days of winter. Putting lights in their house is a personal choice.

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