The EE braggers thread!!!

I had a massive massacre at my place several weeks ago so I only have one EE left, a young girl from my last hatch
Oh no that is just awful. So sorry to hear that. Do you know what got them? How many did you lose? Your remaining EE is beautiful she looks a lot like one of my EE who lays blue eggs.

Heres hoping she lays you your favorite color egg
I lost nearly my whole flock, I had one NN that survived the attack, and 3 broody moms and their chicks that were fenced in a separate run they all survived. All the adults that survived were nn mixes, so the girl in the pic is my only ee the rest of the chicks were nn, there were 2 males, but I have rehomed them.
I lost nearly my whole flock, I had one NN that survived the attack, and 3 broody moms and their chicks that were fenced in a separate run they all survived. All the adults that survived were nn mixes, so the girl in the pic is my only ee the rest of the chicks were nn, there were 2 males, but I have rehomed them.
Oh that is terribly sad. Been there done that with people letting their dogs run loose. Do you know what it was?
Yes, it was a dog. Most likely w/ human assistance, while I was at work and Gary on a camping trip (both gone for 24 hours)
oh that sucks. So sad. The dogs here learned they could jump up on the chicken wire and bend the top down, then went over. Added electric, but didn't get the gate tall enough so they went over that.

Recently had a fox find a bit of a hole and get two pullets; cleaned things up, boarded up holes, added more hot wires. So far so good. Once I"m set up for goats I plan to add a LGD, which should also help keep things away from the chickens but I understand they don't bond to birds as well as they do to other animals.

Yes, it was a dog.  Most likely w/ human assistance, while I was at work and Gary on a camping trip (both gone for 24 hours)

oh that sucks. So sad. The dogs here learned they could jump up on the chicken wire and bend the top down, then went over. Added electric, but didn't get the gate tall enough so they went over that.

Recently had a fox find a bit of a hole and get two pullets; cleaned things up, boarded up holes, added more hot wires. So far so good. Once I"m set up for goats I plan to add a LGD, which should also help keep things away from the chickens but I understand they don't bond to birds as well as they do to other animals.

We've got a Great Pyr and she does quite well with the birds, in fact we had to put her away when we had our blood testing done as the birds squawking while having their blood drawn was upsetting her. I think the key was to follow the golden rule which is: do NOT leave your LGD alone with livestock until they are 18 months old. I read many, many horror stories about LGDs killing birds and livestock when unattended and could not imagine a worse fate, as this puts you in a position of making your LGD a 'pet' or rehoming it. We kept a vigilant eye on her around the birds when she was a pup with a correction every single time she looked like 'I wanna play'. She is extremely sensitive and a firm 'No!' upsets her very much. I actually had a harder time training my family that 'No' was a word only to be used when she was inappropriate with the goats or birds, jumping up is corrected with a 'Down' or 'stop'. I am amazed at how she distinguishes between wild birds and our birds. She watches the sky intently and chases off any hawks, turkey buzzards, crows, ect. I made the mistake of housing some grown Pekin drakes here for a week this spring, she barked at those poor things the entire time they were here. She knew they were not 'ours'. I love my Pyr...can you tell?


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