The EE braggers thread!!!

So I finally got a good shot of our clean faced EE. She is a cutie as well, she is the most shy out of all the EE.

She looks curious and sweet. But a little feisty too. I just immediately thought Pookie (pooh-key) i don't know why. :)

Momma at 23 weeks of age


2 house dogs dug under the fence to get in to the yard today and got Momma wile she was under the shed sitting on her third nest for the year and she was only 49 weeks old and got her and 6 of her 8 week old chicks who were near by and 5 guinea chicks and all the other guinea ore 3 total adults were making a lot of noise and after getting outside I could see the carnage happening so I got the trouble ender and put the two house dog's on the fence ,,,This happened at 4 PM and the Sheriff's Deputies did not show up till 7 PM to recover the dog's and said it was not their jurisdiction and said Animal Control would be out by Friday to make sure I did everything correctly as the chickens were live stock the shooting was legal ......

Ok I am still out a lot of money so where are the owners of the dog's

How I am felling right now

So sorry about your loss!!!! (Did you shoot the dogs??)
Could I please get some advice? My splash ameraucana roo is getting pecked on. I have 10 ameraucana & EE chickens who are about 18 weeks old as well as 6 Isa browns and 1 Brama cross roo (6 months old) I plan to get rid of the Brama roo who does seem to leave the other guy alone. Its the hens that are picking on him. Maybe I am giving too many treats? I have had to give him a bath to wash the blood away. He is such a great bird I would really like to put an end to this. Do you think getting rid of the Brama would help the situation?
The splash has almost no tail feathers :(
Thank you.
If the Brahma rooster isn't picking at him that won't end him being henpecked.

Trying putting blucote on him that should stop the hen pecking.
They may peck at it but won't go back after they taste it. Has some hens pecking at another tail hole one time sprayed some of that on and that went to peck again but after a few time by the hens that didn't't go back for more.
I'm not sure if I am right, but chickens peck at red (blood) if they see it, and if there is blu kote on their skin they won't bother with it then correct?
yes and no, I have seen both happen, they leave the bird alone or they go back to peck and then don't after they taste Blu kote.They peck at blood yes and can turn cannablistic quickly in a group where they start with one bird.

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