The EE braggers thread!!!

Each hatchery is different . One claims theirs go back to Quechera imports and have not been mixed . I know a breeder who's eggs went to McMurray . He sold to the people supplying McMurray . That was in the early days of the Ameraucana breed . They were getting some of the earliest Ameraucana efforts . There used to be several hatcheries in Windsor Mo. that contracted locals to supply eggs for them . Some hatcheries have their own flocks . So it is a real grab bag when it comes to EE .
My eggs from today One of these girl's
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Hate when it doesnt work out, but sounds like you made the right decision. Hope your next experience goes smoother.

+1, Many people would let the chick die "naturally" which in this case would mean starving to death and suffering.

Thanks for the info. I purchased my chicks from the local farm store, and they were labeled 'Aracana/Ameraucana.' Easter egger was in their description. Keep in mind, this is a farm store in rural Northern Michigan... From what I've gathered (which isn't much, this is my first year with chickens,) the EE isn't a pure breed of chicken, but rather a combination of other breeds to achieve a variety of colors in both the chickens and their eggs. I have absolutely no intentions of showing my chickens, I just love having a multi-colored flock with beards and muffs that lay colored eggs. I was mistaken on the 'breed' name. Fun colors, beards, muffs and colored eggs are my goal. I believe those are what Easter Eggers are?

The fact that they were labeled 'Aracana/Ameraucana.' tells you right off they are NOT since those are two distinctly different breeds of chicken recognized by the APA. Maybe the farm store owner wouldn't mind a bit of education and will replace the sign with "Easter Eggers". One should not have a sign saying "diamonds" on a case full of cubic zirconium "gems". Both are shiny and pretty but they are not interchangeable.

Now that we have that straight
I personally think the EEs are a great "non" breed.

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