The EE braggers thread!!!

Someone mentioned probiotics... Just as a note, at this point, she won't benefit from the addition of good bacteria because her body is fighting any and all bacteria, plus, the Corid will also kill the good stuff. Just like when you're sick and you get a zpack, your intestinal fauna can die off, so the best remedy is to start eating yogurt after the zpack is complete... She would benefit from adding probiotics AFTER dosing with Corid and AFTER she's shown improvement. Possibly even after taking her off of medicated starter, depending on the type.

Keep her warm, separate, hydrated, vitamins and electrolytes and with the medication, I'm hoping she'll be good soon! Best of luck and keep us posted!

Also, please, anyone let me know if I'm off on my logic. I'm still learning avian systems so what applies to mammals doesn't always work for them. (For example, they have the most insane lungs! But that means their inhale/exhale pattern is wholly different; can't apply logic based off of mammals for that at all.)
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Someone mentioned probiotics... Just as a note, at this point, she won't benefit from the addition of good bacteria because her body is fighting any and all bacteria, plus, the Corid will also kill the good stuff. Just like when you're sick and you get a zpack, your intestinal fauna can die off, so the best remedy is to start eating yogurt after the zpack is complete... She would benefit from adding probiotics AFTER dosing with Corid and AFTER she's shown improvement. Possibly even after taking her off of medicated starter, depending on the type.

Keep her warm, separate, hydrated, vitamins and electrolytes and with the medication, I'm hoping she'll be good soon! Best of luck and keep us posted!

Also, please, anyone let me know if I'm off on my logic. I'm still learning avian systems so what applies to mammals doesn't always work for them. (For example, they have the most insane lungs! But that means their inhale/exhale pattern is wholly different; can't apply logic based off of mammals for that at all.)
Corid does not kill anything, bacteria or otherwise. It's not an antibiotic. It's a thiamine blocker, that's it.
Excellent! It can be used in conjunction with other stuff then. I would still think waiting to give a sick bird probiotics until after they're showing improvement would be best?
Think of Corid as more of a supplement/immune system support therapy rather than a medication. Since the coccidia protozoa feeds off of thiamine, the thiamine blocker prevents the protozoa from reproducing, allowing the immune system to destroy it. Everything you can do to help support the chick's immune system is beneficial, that includes offering probiotics.
Day one of treatment. She's become slightly more active. She had been refusing food and water but is now accepting both. Now she's actually paying attention to her surroundings and scratching for food. She had been just sitting there tight-bodied with her eyes shut closed. I'll offer her yogurt/probiotics as you all have suggested. I'll keep my fingers crossed and keep this thread updated on her progress. Thank you all for your help!
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Here's another pic of her
She looks like she is cold. Can you provide something warm for her to snuggle with? I bet if she was with a mother hen she would be trying to get under the mama. I use flax seed sewn in a cotton cloth bag and then warm it in a microwave. My motherless chick love to sit on these warming bags. Heating pads work well too. Give her the option though, dont trap her on either. Put her and the warming item in a large enough container that she can move on and off as she wishes.
She has a 100 watt heat lamp set up in her brooder that offers a cold spot and a warm spot so she can sit wherever she is more comfortable. When we saw how little the chicks were when they arrived we knew they would have to live in the brooder a few more weeks before we would set them outside. Even here in SC The weather can't make up its mind and just last night it was in the 20s. Our outdoor ducklings have a heat lamp, too. The chicks are currently residing in a large water trough that allows all three girls to move about as they wish in and out of the heat. She's doing a little better, but she's still not like the other two girls (buff Orpington and a cuckoo Maran)
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These are from this morning. She was sleepy (she snuggled and went to sleep with the Maran right after these) She's been eating but her posture is still iffy to me.



Today is day 3 of treatment. I've made a fresh batch every morning like the bottle said. The other two, Mable and Etta, look just fine.
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