The EE braggers thread!!!

We went out to the box on Tuesday afternoon and found our very first blue egg! I'm not sure who was more excited, me or my kiddo!

I was really surprised because my girl is so small I thought she had more growing to do but nope!

I traded for her. I ended up having a male (or 2 or 3) from our first batch of chickens and found someone who would trade an EE for EE. My rooster is living happily making babies at his new home and his new owner likes him because he is nice to people, most likely since we handled him so much as a little guy. Anywho, we traded the nice guy for the nice girl a while back and she has been a great bird ever since. We even met up with the new owner at a chicken swap and bought 2 of my old guy's babies since the EEs have such nice chicken dispositions! Hopefully, they will all give us some nice blue eggs.
My two LG's are almost full so I'm thinking of offering some of my EE eggs on the BYC auction . I have been working on this line for 12+ yrs., even moving them 900 miles when we relocated to Va. I have refined them to where they only produce blue eggs, usually are only two color patterns ( reddish- brown or silver) and have green legs and of course pea combs. Also my roo's have never displayed any foul (fowl?) attitude so one doesn't have to worry about being bushwacked from behind. First pic is of recent eggs, the other pic is of same eggs with a couple of olive eggs to show the contrast.


Kassaundra, this issue seems to run rampant in EEs/NAQ. Res states the blue egg layers have higher nutritional requirements than regular chickens. My EEs were doing this for a while, whereas my "regular chickens" looked amazing. I tinkered with my recipe, found all sorts of flaws in it, et voila! problem resolved, mostly. Commercial chicken feed alone just seems to come up short for these ones. You might check out for forage cakes and ultrakibble as a supplement. I think boredom is also a huge factor because I think these chickens are more intelligent than "regular chickens" and get bored more easily. They need some environmental enrichment if they're not on lush pasture all day.

These things seem to respond well to being treated like a fine zoological specimen and fed and pampered thusly. Then again, there are those who just keep them like regular old filthy chickens and they do just fine, so I dunno...the problem just seems to be more prevalent in these little birds and that's how I rectified it.
medicine man,
you're absolutely correct about EE being more intelligent. My 2 girls are amazing! i feed them additional yogurt and sometimes mozzerella cheese in the evenings. should i still get the forage cakes?
I'll work on that when I get home from work. (the pics of my new NN's and the question). I think you are on to something especially about the enrichment, when they were crowded in the coop they had a lot more run room, which they will get back soon (at least a different run every few weeks) but right now they have a smaller run and they have eaten everything in it, I'm so far behind on the rotating garden b/c of additional fence building that I had not planned on (thanks to an un named little wiener dog) and the torrential rain for the last week. I will try some extra protien source too.

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