The EE braggers thread!!!

Illia I got these 2 EE's at tractor supply I trust your instict on color sexing our these to young to sex yet I got them April 11th and can post newer pictures I am hoping both are girls i know it might be a guess but just checking thanks for any help.
Elenore is on the right and recluse is on the left (ds named her for a brown recluse spider)

Elenore on right recluse on left
My chicks are now 10 weeks old and the cockeral, Mr. Feathers, has yet to crow. It's pretty obvious that he's a he, tho. He just started getting black tail feathers and I noticed yesterday that they're starting to get that green sheen to them. And he's starting to get these pointy, feathery metallic orange feathers on his neck.



Here are the girls. They're all from Ideal. I'm a tiny bit disappointed that there wasn't more variety in color, but I still love 'em.
What's interesting is that this bunch is the most fearful of being picked up or petted in any way, but always the first to jump on my lap for treats. Or, jump on me at night when everyones settlign on the roosts. Guess they like being high.




Whoa, his feathers are feathery?!

j/k j/k j/k!

Those birds are purdy. I wouldn't mind having one of that color in my flock one bit! Can't wait to see how mine grow out! What kind of chicken are those black and white ones? BA's?
NickyPick are you worried about the lack of crowing ?
Just you wait because you just might not like it when he starts. When cockerel are quite young I think that they spend way to much time practicing their pitch
Your birds are pretty and the pics are good ones.
Pretty birds! Your roo is going to be one handsome guy!

I'm a bit concerned with Pearl though. She looks girlie but that comb has me wondering--paired with the fact that the birds are only 10 weeks old, I have a sneaking suspicion you might have a sleeper roo there. I just had a similar issue with one of my EE's--it acted girlie, looked girlie but just had a little bigger comb. Then a few weeks later it crowed and started humping on my hens. Uggh...

Don't make any decisions until you know for sure, though.
Those are some nice looking birds. I really like Ideal's EEs, what I've seen of them. I'll be curious to see what colors they lay. Topaz is my favorite - most original color/pattern from her ancestry.

They do like being high, they're more capable and savvy than regular chickens.
I'm a bit concerned with Pearl though. She looks girlie but that comb has me wondering--paired with the fact that the birds are only 10 weeks old, I have a sneaking suspicion you might have a sleeper roo there.

Oooh. I really hope you're wrong.
Out of my 14, there are two obvious roos - Mr. Feathers and the buff Orpington that we named The Rock. Those two have face offs a lot, but they seem to take turns being the one to run away, so I still don't know which is more dominant. One of the SLW's was predicted to be a roo at the 5 week pictures that I posted, but now I'm starting to have doubts. Granite is not getting any pointy neck feathers and his/her coloring is coming in more exactly like Opal's. Mr. Feathers was the only one that was supposed to be a roo! I don't have any restrictions where I live, so I'm going to leave it up to the neighbors as to if and when they get to annoying.
My nephew keeps coming over and playing this rooster crow alarm on his iphone. The chicks will stop and listen the first time, then ignore it. It hasn't gotten either of the boys interested in crowing. Not that I'm in a hurry, it's just that I keep reading posts of cockerals crowing at 10 days and such and I'm really curious to hear what the strangled first tries sound like.

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