The EE braggers thread!!!

Thanks so much. When they mature, I'll post before/after pictures for future reference.

I really appreciate your taking the time to look at the pictures and respond.

Folks, I am new here. I am trying to figure out of EEs are right for me. I have two young kids (4 and 6) and am considering some chickens in my backyard. I was thinking of having around 4 chickens that will for the most part live in a large 8-10 hen coop. Free ranging is not an option because of predators (owls, coyotes, neighbors pets etc). I live in Austin, Tx, where the weather is for the most part warm and it rarely goes below freezing in the winter.

One concern I have about EEs is that because of their mixed breeding, they can have varied characteristics. Is this something I am fussing over too much? I need chickens that are (kid) friendly and which can take confinement well. BTW, I've never ever had chickens, so this will be my first and I would like my kids to have a positive experience from this.

If not EEs, can you folks recommend other chicken varieties for me? From my reading, other potentials are Delawares, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Islands, Marans and Orphingtons.

from San Antonio!!! may i suggest you attend the "Chickenstock 2011" gathering at Allen Wranch? it's May 14th at 11:00 am, i believe. there will be all kinds of good peeps there and if you bring your children they can get a first hand introduction to chickens, as well. i have 2 EE, and 1 each - BO, BSL, SLW, and of all of these, the EE's are the most charming, entertaining, curious and friendly of all of mine. AND they give me beautiful pale green eggs! one of them is quite the acrobat and could easily jump my 5' fence, but shows now interest in doing, too! i let all of mine free range when i'm home and the 2 EE's are very hawk savvy. they usually see the culprit before i do.
in other words, i highly reccommend them!
hi everyone,
I have my new EE's from Nadine ( all 4 are doing just great) great personalities, two of the girls jumped up on my lap this am all on their own , when I went to refill their night food and water. I have the 3 girls and one little roo. question I have is.. each of the girls have a different shade of color to their legs. does the color of thier legs have any sign of the color their eggs will be?

having fun with my chicks

ps I also got a tiny white crested polish. how will I be able to sex him or her. there really isn't much of a comb at all. and even though its T-iny... it seams to be well feathered. should I expect much growth or are they just tiny birds to begin with. I want to make sure I give it every chance to be a big bird too. so funny kind of looks like a pure white road runner. holds his tail straight up and the feathers om its head.. sooo funny.
I have 7 chilrdren ranging from 5-20. I have 3 EE and they are sweet and they let my kids and neices and nephews carry them around. My 3 yr old neice had Buffy, one of the EE and was carrying her around, she was almost as big as my niece lol. We have also only had her a month or two and got her at 5 months old. She tamed down very quickly. They will run at first if the kids try and catch them, but then they squat and will even "purr" when they get pet.

Of our chicks, the EE is by far the sweetest. (the others are an Ancona, brown leghorn, new hampshire, and a black sex link). They are 3 months old.

The other breed I highly recommend and have 4 that are the sweetest are the barred rocks. (Though one of hards pecks hands because she thinks she is getting a treat. But she is sweet too)
I just hatched 3 EE's, now 1 month old so they are new to me, however, I've had Marans~Orpingtons & Welsummers. The prettiest, friendliest and content to be anywhere,never mean or flighty are my Welsummers. Whatever breed you decide to get? Chickens are Wonderful Pets & they give you something for feeding them, besides manure.
Well, after a whole host of incubator problems, we ended up with TWO rumpless Araucana x rosecomb Brown Leghorn crosses. One looks like a silver duckwing with some brown leakage, and the other chick is ALL black, legs, everything. Both are rumpless!!! I'm super excited to see how they turn out. I think it will be a Super EE cross!
this is a pic of my 4 week old ee hen i think. i'm wondering what her color is called. i've had lots of people ask me and i don't know. this is the first chicken i've ever had. thanks

No matter what breed of chickens you end up going with, I suggest hand raising them from hatch-lings. Chickens with a lot of human contact, from little on up are much more likely to be gentle.

I only have one EE but she is a sweetie. I think you would do fine with them.

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