The EE braggers thread!!!

marlowmanor - Too young yet and would need better pictures.
Cute Chicks! Wait a few months and post pics again. I will guess for you though, the first few look to be roosters, but still a wee bit young yet to be sure.

~ Aspen
I'm a new chicken mommy, and have three chickens which were sold to me as Ameraucana ... but I was sure they were probably EEs. Checked with the Ameraucana experts over in that thread, and yep! I belong with you guys!

They're all 12 weeks old now. Can someone help me with roo/pullet? I have them sorted as they were sold to me, but ... well, they also said they were a different breed, so how much should I trust them, anyway?

This is Dusty, and is supposed to be a roo.

And this is Hazel (on my knee) and Matilda (background)

and another of Hazel:

I was looking for one with a better shot of Matilda for her feet and legs, but I can't find one.

Any help? And criticism is welcome - don't be shy!
This is Dusty, and is supposed to be a roo

He is a he,
and very nicely colored IMO. The other two are females, and they all look like healthy, happy EEs.
I asked at my tsc if they will be getting a fall shipment in like in their pamphlet and she said no that all TSC will not be getting any.. I was very disappointed. Ill be a different one sat and Ill ask them...
hahahahaha, I don't think you had to specify in that pic which one was Oprah. I have been giggling for the last 3 minutes over that.
Congrats on your eggs, that's wonderful!

without saying it... i too knew imediatly which was Oprah no need to direct us.. ahhahahhah you have beautiful birds
Oliver is very pretty... or handsome rather... how old is he.. I have a young EE roo he is just at 19- 20 weeks old.. he seams to be maturing slower than my Brahma did and slower than the girls he is still smaller... just trying to get an idea about what to expect from him..

oh also if I have him breed a barred rock would that offspring lay olive eggs? I heard that's how you get them? is this right?

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