The EE braggers thread!!!

Personally I think everyone who can should have a rooster. There are good things about them too, if you can find a well mannered one, and in my experience that shouldn't be too hard. I've had about 10 different roos and not a single one was mean. That said, I do believe some breeds are more easy going than others, and I devote a good portion of my day every day to watch them and care for them, so they are quite used to me. The breeds I have/had were Buff orpington, EE, Polish, and Brahma. Roosters can be loud and aggressive, but they are not all created equal. They make devoted protectors of the flock. They can call to their girls and tell them to hide when danger is near, and they will go out and face it themselves so the threat doesn't go after the hens. They lead their girls to good sources of food and some even show them where the nesting boxes are and hint as to what they are used for, so the girls get it quicker. If you spend enough time with them, they start to recognize you as the caregiver and the boss. Mine won't hardly even do any dominance displays when I'm out with them. They don't even crow after 8am. This morning, I was out with them and heard a commotion behind the above ground pool. I walked over to check it out and found my head rooster (a Light Brahma) gettin' frisky on one of the girls. The moment he saw me he jumped off and tried to act like it never happened lol! I'm not kidding, he was totally thinking 'Oh, uh, nothin' to see here, boss'. I really like him though, he is always the last to get in the coop because he counts everyone and patrols the perimeter once or twice to make sure it's safe before he gets in. Good ones are out there!! Maybe you have one!
Thanks for the info on roosters. I may keep him for a while and see how he does. I do try to hold him every day and give him a treat when I do. He likes when I sing to him, too. Anyway, we will see.
One of mine lays pink. Had these for breakfast

Looks pink through and through... is it?

Yes it is pink all the way thru. She has a different comb from the rest. Looks like a crown. Sits forward kinda in a bunch.

That is probably a mix of pea and rose combs. Probably from a Wyendotte mix. Wyendottes and Orpingtons can sometimes lay pink eggs. If an Orpington, the comb would be a mix of pea and straight.

I love the comb!


Edited to correct color frequency. Ron

Really?????? Wyandotte and Orphingtons look brown to me..... They are light brown but brown.

If the shell is pink that is a new one on me. There are only 2 egg shell colors blue and white..... brown is just a coating. It sure looked pink all the way through....... would like to know how that happend........

There was someone a few pages back willing to pay like $100 for a pink egg layer plus shipping......

I am very curious about the pink egg! I just assumed a pink egg had a white shell with a pinky-brown coat, but 2StrayRoos' egg seems to have pink through the shell. Is this a new kind of egg? Whatever it is, it looks VERY COOL. Has anyone examined a pink egg from a Wyandotte or Orpington? Is the shell white? If we could combine the pink color with blue, maybe we could get lilac eggs! That would be a great addition to the Easter Egger basket!

Does anyone have any other experience with pink eggs? Love to hear about it!
Wow I am waaaay behind in this thread.

But for a quick moment, here's some of my most recent EE's to show off. I love my awesome gals

Two mottled crested/bearded Easter Egger pullets. Both of these girls are Polish and Ameraucana based.

And here's some Araucana / Marans X Araucana / Marans. Technically Olive Eggers but still a form of Easter Egger. Tufted too!

Pardon the background, it's summer and a few birds are molting, so, it's dry and a bit feathery out here.
I am very curious about the pink egg! I just assumed a pink egg had a white shell with a pinky-brown coat, but 2StrayRoos' egg seems to have pink through the shell. Is this a new kind of egg? Whatever it is, it looks VERY COOL. Has anyone examined a pink egg from a Wyandotte or Orpington? Is the shell white? If we could combine the pink color with blue, maybe we could get lilac eggs! That would be a great addition to the Easter Egger basket!

Does anyone have any other experience with pink eggs? Love to hear about it!

Pink eggs are brown eggs with a slight white coating on the outside. Some are just light brown though, depends on what you call pink. All eggs are white on the inside, however with the right lighting, the brown on the outside can shine through, making the inside appear pink.

My Wyandottes pink eggs were the same as most others - Light brown or Brown with a white coating on them.

Pink x Blue = Light Green.
I am very curious about the pink egg! I just assumed a pink egg had a white shell with a pinky-brown coat, but 2StrayRoos' egg seems to have pink through the shell. Is this a new kind of egg? Whatever it is, it looks VERY COOL. Has anyone examined a pink egg from a Wyandotte or Orpington? Is the shell white? If we could combine the pink color with blue, maybe we could get lilac eggs! That would be a great addition to the Easter Egger basket!

Does anyone have any other experience with pink eggs? Love to hear about it!
Trust me it is pink all the way thru. Thats why I took the picture, somebody else was questioning. I remember reading somebody else's post that they got lavender eggs. Wish I had that. I love purple.
I am very curious about the pink egg! I just assumed a pink egg had a white shell with a pinky-brown coat, but 2StrayRoos' egg seems to have pink through the shell. Is this a new kind of egg? Whatever it is, it looks VERY COOL. Has anyone examined a pink egg from a Wyandotte or Orpington? Is the shell white? If we could combine the pink color with blue, maybe we could get lilac eggs! That would be a great addition to the Easter Egger basket!

Does anyone have any other experience with pink eggs? Love to hear about it!

Trust me it is pink all the way thru. Thats why I took the picture, somebody else was questioning. I remember reading somebody else's post that they got lavender eggs. Wish I had that. I love purple.
Well, I don't know if anyone is interested since this involves a BO and RIR, but:
-My Buff Orpington used to lay an occasional pink egg when she first started laying. It was sort of a putty color. Her eggs are more of a light brown now.
-Also, my RIR layed an egg that was lavender with white speckles. Sorry, I don't remember if the inside of either egg was white but they probably were.

Rhodies lavender egg is on the left and Buffy's pinkish egg is on the right. The back of the carton shows their normal light brown colors. Click on the photo to make it bigger.

Now if my 2 EE would start laying I really would have a nice variety!
Pink eggs are brown eggs with a slight white coating on the outside. Some are just light brown though, depends on what you call pink. All eggs are white on the inside, however with the right lighting, the brown on the outside can shine through, making the inside appear pink.

My Wyandottes pink eggs were the same as most others - Light brown or Brown with a white coating on them.

Pink x Blue = Light Green.
I love your Polish-EEs! Very cute and distinguished at the same time.

I'm a bit confused about the egg shell colors. I had thought, as you said, that shells were either white or blue, and if a brownish coat went on as an outer layer, the eggs look brown or green respectively, but the inside of the shell would show the base shell color (white or blue). So when you say pink eggs are brown eggs with a white coating, did they start as white shells, get a brown coat, and then a white coat? How common is the white coat? (This is new concept for me.) Also, do you think it's possible that the brown (pinkish) coat could somehow mix more deeply through the shell so that it looks pinkish on the inside as reported?

I'm not trying to start a feud or anything
, just very curious. Looking at your avatar, you obviously have a huge amount of experience with egg colors. Is there a good reference about this topic that you can recommend?

Thanks for the info!

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