The EE braggers thread!!!

First up, Opal's preferred mode of transportation (she just kinda goes limp when you pick her up like this. It seems very relaxing for her):

The two together:

Too funny!

What "color" would you call Opal as far as chicken?. For instance I have a wheaten... She looks to have a blue tint as a chick but I'm loving the brown coming in.
BackyardCoop, I fell immediately in love with Opal. With pearl I debated a bit, but I was just so curious how a green chick would feather out (she has three black feathers that have come in). I don't know what color to call Opal, she is very blue and has some light red lacing coming in. I was hoping the pics from today would show the lacing on her collar, but it didn't show up very clearly.

Cheeka, I sure hope so! Your birds are beautiful! Opal's head seems like it will have black and red on does her beard and muffs. I am excited to see how they both turn out. I avoided a chipmunk type chick because it was so soon after Penny had passed away. At this point, it is safe to say they won't have the "standard" EE partridgey look to them.
DH was pleased with the high five :)
Lilanis, Opal really does resemble my girls at the same age, but her head feathers are lighter than Isis, and darker than Blu... here are some from today! (my gang turned 14 weeks old yesterday!)

you can really see the little flecks of red on her head, but her beard has become solid dark grey, her wing tips are like ice blue...

hey, I know ... they have no "lips", but doesn't Royce look like he's smiling? It's in the eyes... such a lovey boy!

Barney's comb grew! He's so proud

Lily is my only chipmunk style and she is painfully camera shy, plus she thinks she is a RIR, she will crawl under the other birds when I come out with the camera... now by BR's are gonna be jealous cuz they aren't in any pictures!!

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BackyardCoop, I fell immediately in love with Opal. With pearl I debated a bit, but I was just so curious how a green chick would feather out (she has three black feathers that have come in). I don't know what color to call Opal, she is very blue and has some light red lacing coming in. I was hoping the pics from today would show the lacing on her collar, but it didn't show up very clearly.
I can see how you would have! I'm sure that her collar lacing will show up in pictures much better, very soon! Can't wait to see future Opal!
Thankyou! It's fun to talk chickens with people who don't think I'm insane for having them :D I can't wait to see how opal turns out too! I'll post progress pics in a few weeks.

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