The EE braggers thread!!!

Thanks for the recommendation but this won't work for my deisres. Jersey Giants lay brown eggs which will depart green to the EE egg. I want to make the birds larger and make the egg more blue. What I think I need is a very large White egg layer.

Have you considered using Buff Ameraucanas? They are supposed to be much larger than the wheatens. Also, crossing with a white layer will preserve the blue, but it might dilute it to a very pale color.
"Do you think these indicate a gender difference or just how they inherited the comb types of the parents? Any other clues as to sex ID at this age or do I just need to be patient? So hoping at least a couple are girls and lay olive eggs!" quote from mayhysong

maryhysong comb shape is never an indication of gender. The shape is determined by the parents shapes and since your parents Welsummer larger single comb and Ameraucana pea comb (?) have different combs styles each bird has their own variation of the mix. Nice birds BTW
why does she have to have feathered legss to be an oe?
Mixing or cross breeding a blue gene/blue egg maker with a dark brown egg gene/make/layer is required to result in having an Olive Egg. If your breed an OE to OE down the line they will breed true for OE

In this country there are three breeds that lay very dark brown eggs. The Marans a french breed are probably the easiest to find and a good many of them, maybe most have feathered legs. So feather legs gene is a dominate gene and so many Olive Eggers have feathered legs.

Some folks really like feather legs and other do not, but once you have it in your flock it can to hard to cull it out since it is a dominate gene and will be hidden and show up here and there. I do not care for feather legs but I tolerate it because I like to keep Marans and Silkies in my mixed flock. I am working on many colored funky egg layers. tee hee
Wow I didn't think about the JG diluting the blue egg. I'm curious to see what size the babies I will have after I get some JG pullets and have my leghorn roo get frisky. I think it will be interesting. I'm hoping that I will have some EE babies as well so that I can just mix them all together. I love mutts. Its so fun to see what will happen. I do wonder if I will be able to make some kind of weird egg color.
At my place they get culled for NOT having Feathered legs LOL.. I am trying to breed my Olive Eggers to have beards and feathered legs. After that I think I am just looking for Olive Eggs. I would LOVE to have a pen that breeds true... at least for Olive Eggs.
Donna so you prefer the feathered legs? My bunch are a mix right now, my Marans pullets all have feathered legs and all the Olive Eggs do NOT, I have two roosters with them, neither have feathered legs, one is Marans and the other an Olive Egger. I also love feathered legs. So I'm interested in seeing what will hatch out of the Marans eggs. Do you cull or sell? I found an Amish livestock auction, in our area, every Wednesday. I can let them grow out some and make a little cash. They sell other livestock and such and have a home cook diner. EE's and Olive eggers sell well, I can wait till they start to lay, keep the ones I like and sell the rest. I like to hatch, so I can also sell chicks there also. Now I don't have to do the deed.
Oh yeah just thought I share the growing babies, yes yours, my EE still has all 12 and hasn't lost any yet.

Donna so you prefer the feathered legs? My bunch are a mix right now, my Marans pullets all have feathered legs and all the Olive Eggs do NOT, I have two roosters with them, neither have feathered legs, one is Marans and the other an Olive Egger. I also love feathered legs. So I'm interested in seeing what will hatch out of the Marans eggs. Do you cull or sell? I found an Amish livestock auction, in our area, every Wednesday. I can let them grow out some and make a little cash. They sell other livestock and such and have a home cook diner. EE's and Olive eggers sell well, I can wait till they start to lay, keep the ones I like and sell the rest. I like to hatch, so I can also sell chicks there also. Now I don't have to do the deed.
Oh yeah just thought I share the growing babies, yes yours, my EE still has all 12 and hasn't lost any yet.

What a lovely picture! I love it.
Donna so you prefer the feathered legs? My bunch are a mix right now, my Marans pullets all have feathered legs and all the Olive Eggs do NOT, I have two roosters with them, neither have feathered legs, one is Marans and the other an Olive Egger. I also love feathered legs. So I'm interested in seeing what will hatch out of the Marans eggs. Do you cull or sell? I found an Amish livestock auction, in our area, every Wednesday. I can let them grow out some and make a little cash. They sell other livestock and such and have a home cook diner. EE's and Olive eggers sell well, I can wait till they start to lay, keep the ones I like and sell the rest. I like to hatch, so I can also sell chicks there also. Now I don't have to do the deed.
Oh yeah just thought I share the growing babies, yes yours, my EE still has all 12 and hasn't lost any yet.

thats a lot f flufies
Culling at my place means selling. I could not take the life of a chick or juvenile because I don't want it. Now, I don't sell roos. I have a roo guy and most of those will be eaten at some point. Maybe I should say breeding toward and not culling LOL.

I hatch lots of Marans with clean legs and they go too. If feathered legs is dominate (not that I have checked) why do I keep getting clean legs when all the breeders have feathered legs.... you would think they would ALL get one copy of the feathering gene
maybe all the breeders don't have 2 copies and can't pass it on to ALL the chicks..... one day, one day...... much more culling to do.

I think with olive eggers the traits I want will be harder to keep as I breed forward. Pea combs, blue eggs, beards and feathered legs.... all that will be diluted with each generation. Making it harder to breed true. Everyone will need 2 copies of everything to breed true.... they all only have 1 copy....
Just curious, I've noticed the last couple of days that my pullet (I think it's a pullet) is getting a beard. I know that Ameraucana people get upset if you call an EE an Ameraucana so what distinguishes one from the other? Do EE's get beards also?

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