The EE braggers thread!!!

2 black ones look like black sex linked girls. One with the dot is a barred boy. The other I'm not sure. All 3 of the dark coloured ones are most likely mothered by the cuckoo marans. :)


I suspected the dot head was boy. What do black sex links look like? None of these babies will have beards or muffs,right?
I suspected the dot head was boy. What do black sex links look like? None of these babies will have beards or muffs,right?
They may be partially bearded, fully bearded or not bearded at all. It's a toss up. A lot of my barred rocks x EE are bearded.

Hard to say what they will look like for sure. Most are all black with red/brown in the hackles.. However, you may get other results. Not 100% on that. Your boy will have dark barring with possible colour bleeding through.

How old are these babies right now?? I have 3 BR (Black) that came from DMRippy (I got them thru Overoberyl) and I am trying to see who is male/female, Just wondering how long it will be before I can tell by the comb. Mine are 2.5 weeks old.

Quote: You can make a good guess at hatch by the size of the head spots. But once the barring starts showing you can tell for sure. See the blue 3rd from the left.... see the barring how WHITE he looks compared to the others? Pullets are not that well barred. They only have one copy of the barring gene. The roos have 2 so kinda twice as much barring will show. Send me some pics if you want and I will make some guesses for you.
You can make a good guess at hatch by the size of the head spots.  But once the barring starts showing you can tell for sure.  See the blue 3rd from the left.... see the barring how WHITE he looks compared to the others? Pullets are not that well barred.  They only have one copy of the barring gene.  The roos have 2 so kinda twice as much barring will show.  Send me some pics if you want and I will make some guesses for you.
I find it easy to spot the boys here, though one is just as dark as the girls (however has cleaner barring) - second from the right.
That is what I figured. There are two of the boys that I really like. One blue, one black. I think they are nicely barred. Donna you should be proud of yourself. Your birds are nice and good hatch rates on the eggs. I can't wait to see what I get from the Marans eggs.

I don't know if this is helpful or not, but the three chicks on the bottom were all boys. (Black Am x Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans) They stuck out like little sore thumbs from the first minute with those lovely head dots! I think the barring started coming in around 2 or 3 weeks of age.

And to be fair, 5 out of 6 ended up being boys... the lone girl was Black Am x Blue Andalusian, and she is very pretty. She's 16 weeks now, and will hopefully be laying a nice, light blue egg.


I don't know if this is helpful or not, but the three chicks on the bottom were all boys. (Black Am x Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans) They stuck out like little sore thumbs from the first minute with those lovely head dots! I think the barring started coming in around 2 or 3 weeks of age.

And to be fair, 5 out of 6 ended up being boys... the lone girl was Black Am x Blue Andalusian, and she is very pretty. She's 16 weeks now, and will hopefully be laying a nice, light blue egg.

Those are Sex Linked crosses and the roos only have one copy of the barring gene, so it is not the same kinda spot as a Barred x Barred mating. All the ones from your cross would be barred roos.

I don't think I have any good pics of barred rocks but I do have one of cuckoo Marans. You can't go by the head spot when they get older like these in the pics. Only good at hatch.

Also Cuckoos Pullet spot

Roo spot

Just thought I would share the progress with my little white EE and her Blue Barred Rock babies, from dmrippy.

Yeah I know she really shouldn't still have them. But I guess she just loves them. I had to lock her out of the brooder house hoping she would get the hint, but this what I found tonight, when locking her up. See the little roosters

Please ignore the water damage in back it has rain for like a week and we sprung a leak.
I LOVE IT!!!! I have a BO that stays with her babies for months months months...She will even stand all night cause her babies are way to big for her to cover.

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