The EE braggers thread!!!

They are sooo cute! Any thoughts on what I could get if I crossed my EE's with a silkie or a cochin? I have a little partridge sebright too....wonder what she would hatch out if she was with an EE rooster?
You can get really cute crosses with silkies.


Here's one off of google image.

I haven't tried crossing my own yet. I'd feel bad for my silkie hens being mated by a EE roo. Silkies weigh around 2 pounds. My EE rooster pushes 7. :p
You can get really cute crosses with silkies.

Here's one off of google image.
I haven't tried crossing my own yet. I'd feel bad for my silkie hens being mated by a EE roo. Silkies weigh around 2 pounds. My EE rooster pushes 7.
There are pretty straight forward instructions on how to AI chickens, I have never done it but is sound pretty simple.
So bummed!
My little yellow/brown chick & my little dot head chick are missing

I let them out with mom yesterday and when I got home she was snuggled up in the nest so I figured everyone was safe & sound...this morning when I went to let her out again I only have the 2 brown girls left.

It is so hard because I have mom & babies in a 6x6 pen but mom has destroyed it. She has dug really deep, not a blade of grass to be found. She even filled the tray of the 5 gallon waterer with dirt so they had no water one day. She hates being locked up so I let her & the babies out on Saturday & Sunday & by Monday the 2 disappeared...I locked mom & the 2 remaining babies back up before work this morning but she was really PO'ed.

If I plan on raising more babies with a broody (I do!) I guess I'll have to build some sort of tractor for them.
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What beauties! I would love to have 2 like them. do you have their baby pix available? I want to increase my odds of getting white when I pick from a group of EEs next spring, thanks.

Thank you. I do have baby pics. The pics are not that great but they are the lightest colored two: easy to spot! You may want to be careful when picking because from what I understand the prettiest colored ones tend to be boys but it was not my experience. Good luck. There's also a folder on my profile page with pics of them.

The first 2 pics they are no more than a couple days old. The last pic couple weeks?

Gifa, Congratulations!
such a pretty egg!!!

and for who asked about bantam EE's, here's Peach, EEx bantam Cochin

can't see em, but she has feathered legs and feet...

here she is with her two bodyguards.

Archie... tries to get underneath her when he is scared... maybe he's part ostrich... once his head is hidden, he is "safe"

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