The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

For those of you that pray, please lift me in your prayers. The cancer is back. For those that don't, I mean no offense to you.

So sorry to hear that. I don't go to the Family or the Random Rambling section at all so I missed your story if it was there. Cancer is a fiend, that's for sure. My own best friend is battling it herself, though many of you already know that. It wears you down, emotionally, mentally and physically as well as weighs on the ones who care about you the most. Praying for your strength and that of your family.
Cancer is indeed a tough opponent. Hope you have lots of support, my sisters and I have have spent many hours and many miles on the road helping our parents through their struggles, and I do not know how we all could have done it without each other. At least there are treatments available now that help many people - hopefully including you.
Thank you for your prayers, and kind words. At this point, my hopes are high. This time, we caught it a lot sooner, and it's much smaller, so the odds are significantly more in my favor than last time.
Thank you for your prayers, and kind words. At this point, my hopes are high. This time, we caught it a lot sooner, and it's much smaller, so the odds are significantly more in my favor than last time.

That sounds encouraging and sounds like you're staying positive.

Good morning, Atlas friends. It's a foggy one to start, sun's trying to break through, going to be another hot one, sigh. Amazing how we are surrounded by higher mountains, but fog can hide a giant completely. This has been a very hot summer, but I fear it will be a very cold, wet winter. We have started our wood supply. We buy wood to get started but we do cut and gather wood from the property. It's just that it's harder and harder for Tom to put away all our wood with his back, knee and other issues.


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