The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

So is it now Tessa or Xander maybe? Maybe as the very back would be Atlas?
Already, Xander is out when Hector is out, but Xander pretty much ignores him and Hector tends to stay away from Xander's hens and the other older six member group that runs when Xander does, maybe because Neela did beat him up a little that one time. Xander has a thing for my EE, Maretta, so he spends all this time chasing her. She will get in Hector's face and Apollo's, but she runs from little Xander so that drama is always in play during the group outside times. Hector has had older hens push back when he flirts, just not big BR hens. I may just keep Atlas in the pen and put that entire group outside with Hector and see what happens, but it probably won't be tomorrow. I have something I have to be away from the farm for so they'll be in their respective pens from late morning until late afternoon.

My husband said he thinks one major difference in Apollo and Hector is that Apollo was always a subordinate, ever since he moved in with Atlas at around 12 weeks old (I think that's when it was). He was under Atlas. Hector has never been subordinate to anything, always the boss of his group.

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Hello all!! I have been a "lurker" for a while on this thread! I love hearing about your breeding and chickens, speckledhen! Especially Hector, Apollo and Atlas! I hope you are able to keep Hector and Apollo!
Hello all!! I have been a "lurker" for a while on this thread! I love hearing about your breeding and chickens, speckledhen! Especially Hector, Apollo and Atlas! I hope you are able to keep Hector and Apollo!

Hello, Georgia neighbor! Whereabouts in GA are you? Glad you've having fun on the thread. We get off topic a lot, but I try to get back to it quickly most of the time. Hector's arrival and development have made for some interesting stories, I think.
They definitely have! I'm near South Carolina, around Augusta!
It's hot down there! But, the upside is you have a longer growing period than we do.

Haha, all hail the mighty Hector
That Hector is a pistol! He makes a monkey out of me every time I try to teach him a lesson. This morning when DH was shaking down their feeder, Hector ran over and bit his hand, sigh. He's a stubborn little cuss.
You have an excellent alpha on your hands. Trying to get a hen, or another one of your flock to "put him in his place" is not going to work, and would be counterproductive. When are you going to start his "rooster training" to break his bad habits?
You have an excellent alpha on your hands. Trying to get a hen, or another one of your flock to "put him in his place" is not going to work, and would be counterproductive. When are you going to start his "rooster training" to break his bad habits?

Well, his training has already started. I agree that he is too dominant to be backed down by much of anything. I was surprised at Wynette, more so than Dru. Anyway, I have switches from the pear tree in the barn and in the pen. He hates it. Today, when I opened his pen to let his group out, I held the switch down to allow the girls to leave first. He backed up and didn't come out until I told him to and removed the switch from his path. But, he's already been doing training all along in one form or another. It's not taking fully.

I've always been of the opinion that no amount of training of any kind will work on some males. I've always believed the less intelligent ones are the most aggressive, which has proven to be true here 99% of the time. I don't see Hector as unintelligent, not at all, but I do see him as having a very strong will and personality. What is boils down to in the end is will I ever be able to trust him? If I can't trust him to turn my back on him, I can't keep him. I've already broken one ankle and have a plate and screws that will give me trouble for life. With less than perfectly strong bones, I can't have a rooster knock me off my feet with sneak attacks on uneven ground.

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