The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

It's August. In a few weeks I'll be starting my last growing season. My first was a bomb. Maybe I didn't grow enough. Maybe it's too hot. I planted lots of eggplant. None came up. I planted some more. They came up. But Nothing. I did have one pepper plant that (what!!!!!) that has one eggplant hanging from it, LOL.
I may just stick to my day lilies. Some water, some fertilizer, and they go like crazy. And I'll plant just enough other plants to hide their faults.

I do have some really really lovely weeds!
seminole, if it's the first year you've planted that area, or the first time planting there in a long time, it's not unusual for the first year to do bad. Dh complained about that here. I had to remind him that at our other place, the first year the garden did terrible. The second year, everything did great. In addition, we've had way too much rain for crops to do well.
I love Chip & Joanna. Too bad I don’t have cable/satellite TV, so no HGTV, so I can only watch what comes up on Netflix. I actually thought of going into architecture or interior design in college but didn’t.

I think my garden is doing ok this year lol. I haven’t had much time to spend in it. My cauliflower actually grew this year, the last couple times I tried growing it the plants died. And my salsa peppers are growing like crazy but I don’t have enough tomatoes yet to make salsa. I need to finish the fence around the garden because the puppy keeps getting into it. She pulled off the biggest cantaloupe I had growing and chewed it up and she likes to drag out the soaker hoses.

My broody has taken to the 4 chicks we gave her last week. I’m trying to figure out how and when to integrate them back into the flock because their cage is taking up a good chunk of the run.
Oh, my son's in-laws just posted on something he put up on Facebook, lamenting his wife's betrayal. This is what they said:

Mike Shea is leaving her whole family to. We just can't wrap our heads around this one.

He has all the house now signed over to him so at least that's done. I hope he can look forward and see the good in the new life he'll have after his initial shell-shock.
In case anyone is interested, here is something on Blue Roo Quilts FB page I have going on through today at 6 p.m. This one is entirely hand-quilted, a piece I did recently to be sure my skill wasn't too rusty, though almost 100% of my stuff now is done by machine.

My husband posted this advice to our son on that comment he made where Michael's in-laws posted afterward. Michael is in a dangerous spot right now, emotionally. He alluded to maybe becoming reacquainted with Jack Daniels and Philip Morris (he quit smoking years ago, started because of his grandparents' influence, but has never been a true drinker)

Mike, you are looking at this all wrong. I know how much you care. This is a chance for you to just say, " I give to you the greatest gift I can give..Your freedom." If you continue to see this as a betrayal then you become a victim. If you are the victim then it is you who suffers instead of just getting on with your life. The victim blames themselves. The victim can't trust again. The victim sees the world as a dark place. Those who are victims will seek out comfort in all the wrong places ie, food, drink, smoking etc. All of which will destroy you. Put your energy into your art and into yourself. Just open up your heart and let it go. Then get on with your life.

I had sent him an email asking if he had her as beneficiary on anything like life insurance or 401K and that he may not have thought of it, but she should be removed from those. He doesn't. And I begged him to stay away from smoking, that too many of our family have died from COPD already, his aunt has now been diagnosed with it and she quit a few years back. He said I have his word, no cigarettes. I hope he keeps it and that what he's already done hasn't done too much damage. He has enough health issues-he has three black belts in three different karate styles, but because he was trapped in food service management due to his wife's overspending and insistence they get married immediately after he graduated from college, he has not been able to continue his workouts and has gained probably 150 lb. He's 6'2" tall, but still, way too heavy. Has terrible varicose veins and needs carpal tunnel surgery, but she is taking his health insurance when she quits her job to move to England. His at his restaurant, a family-owned operation, is much more expensive and covers less.
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Sometimes we forget that life tends to be about moving up, and moving on. We get into a niche, and want to stay there. She's like the dead branch on his tree, that he's gotten used to, not admitting that the deadwood is not permanent. So now the dead branch is about to fall off his tree. He's upset now, and rightly so. The thing with getting rid of the deadwood, is that it makes the tree stronger. It also allows the opportunity for a fruitful branch to sprout, and grow in it's stead.
Sometimes we forget that life tends to be about moving up, and moving on. We get into a niche, and want to stay there. She's like the dead branch on his tree, that he's gotten used to, not admitting that the deadwood is not permanent. So now the dead branch is about to fall off his tree. He's upset now, and rightly so. The thing with getting rid of the deadwood, is that it makes the tree stronger. It also allows the opportunity for a fruitful branch to sprout, and grow in it's stead.

Well put, Cheryl. When he gets rid of all the dead wood on the tree, it can grow. She's most definitely been dead wood, almost since the beginning, as far as I'm concerned. She literally stalked the set of Vampire Diaries to get photos with the cast, though he was with her at the time, but she puts all those photos in picture frames and has them all around the house. That seems a little teenager-y to me. She's all about stars, both TV and music, and seems to think she's their age. Sorry, they see her as a middle aged chubby woman, not their peer.

Here's one I snapped a picture of in their greatroom when I was there around the time my father passed on. She's on the left. No idea who the other woman is, though.

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