The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

My son was saying he had to refinance to get his soon-to-be ex off the mortgage, but I told him all it takes is a quit-claim deed. She'd still have her name on the deed unless he refinanced or sold it, but would be giving up any claim to her interest in the property. So, he could sell it and move to some place that is smaller (he has a 4 bd 2 1/2 ba, 1980 sf 2-story house in a swim-tennis n'hood) with lower taxes and no swim-tennis nonsense that he doesn't even use, but gets charged for every single month. His taxes are almost $2400/yr. which is insane for him to be paying for that way-too-large house. I was scared he'd taken out a 2nd mortgage on it, but he says he owes about $127K (he paid $145K in 2002) and it is valued around $200K now. He has the quit-claim deed ready for her to sign. Hopefully, she was serious about giving him the house, which, IMO, is huge, and, due to the circumstances, only right. Crossing fingers she signs that thing.

I am about to have to buy a new mattress. The one we got after the fire to replace the almost new one we had is a piece of crap. My back is screaming every morning. Today, I can barely walk--I spent a lot of time in bed yesterday due to a lingering headache from the evening before, not a good thing with this awful mattress. My husband's back, as you can imagine is worse when he sleeps there so he's taken to sleeping in a chair or on our couch, which he says is far more comfortable. It's Park Place brand, one you can flip, but that doesn't help for more than a night on the "new" side. It's now 5 years old and I am so DONE! Going back to a Serta or Simmons like we used to have. No foam mattresses-too pricey, smelly and too darn hot.

Serta or Simmons you can't go wrong. My last 5 mattresses were Simmons but Sertas I would also take in a minute.
I had to do a quit claim deed because in NY I owned a home, sold it, moved to Florida and Florida law said my hubs is now 1/2 owner. NOT! I downloaded the forms on the computer, had him and I notarize the signatures, and filed at the court house which actually took 5 minutes and $20.00. Really easy if he's got the lot number of the house, the one on the county records.

I like Christina because she's such a Valley girl! I still love both programs. They are light and easy watching and I get some ideas (bad girl!)
You all know what it's like to think that a project is going to take 2-3 days at the most and ends up taking 2 weeks. I'm building a small pen to replace an old rotted little coop that I had hauled away. I was going to near-finish it today but we got showers. So maybe tomorrow.

Yep, I know how that goes! I've been trying to paint my emu barn for a month. It's either raining or way too hot. I live up here and deal with the cold and snow, I shouldn't also have to deal with it being 95 and humid, darn it.
Serta or Simmons you can't go wrong. My last 5 mattresses were Simmons but Sertas I would also take in a minute.
I had to do a quit claim deed because in NY I owned a home, sold it, moved to Florida and Florida law said my hubs is now 1/2 owner. NOT! I downloaded the forms on the computer, had him and I notarize the signatures, and filed at the court house which actually took 5 minutes and $20.00. Really easy if he's got the lot number of the house, the one on the county records.

I like Christina because she's such a Valley girl! I still love both programs. They are light and easy watching and I get some ideas (bad girl!)

She signed the quit claim and it's notarized and ready to file. That's huge, really.

Christina El Moussa cracked me up. She was going to "downsize", said their house was too large when she told Tarek she was selling it. Her new house is close to 5000 sf. Yeah, that's really downsizing, LOL. I still like that show, but I loved Fixer Upper. Chip and Joanna were more down to earth in their design choices, more what I'd pick for myself, but that show is over now. I have always loved architecture, home design and real estate, which is why I became a realtor to put my two sons through college, but oh my, it left me with a bad taste in my mouth, having to work with folks who played fast and loose with ethics plus all the flaky people, both buyers and sellers.
speckled, you are not the only one having a child go through "love troubles". My middle daughter called yesterday. Her husband stole quite a bit of her tax return money. He was in the bedroom getting dressed for work, and his wallet was sitting on the bed. He told her he had deposited most of it into his personal account. She didn't believe him, and went to grab his wallet off the bed, and he hit her. She hit him back, then left the room, and called me.

I told her to come over here, but she was too upset to drive. I sent her sister to pick her up, and bring her back here. When her sister got there, she decided to call the law, and report him hitting her. After that, they packed his things up, and set them on the front porch. She will go file a restraining order tomorrow, since she had to work all day today, and she's off tomorrow.

She's known for awhile now that he's no good. He's an alcoholic, and she had to threaten to boot him out, if he didn't go get help, about 10 months ago. He did go through rehab, and has not been drinking since then, but has still had a lot of trouble with keeping a steady job, which has been an ongoing problem with him. She worked 2 jobs for several years to support them. This year, she told him she was quitting one job, and he would have to pick up the slack. During the times he was not working, he'd go to his mother, and she would give him money.

His mother has always put a roof over his head, and supported him financially. My daughter didn't find this out until after they were married. He claimed he lived with his mother to support her, since she was going through a divorce, and she couldn't work because she had to take care of her mother, so he was supporting her, and helping to care for his grandmother too. It was all lies. In spite of it all, she really tried to make things work.

I couldn't stand the way he treated her. He'd yell at her, run her down, boss her around, treat her like she was stupid, and inferior to him. If she tried to go anywhere, or come visit me, he had to call every 10 minutes, and bug her to come home. I really couldn't stand him, but tried not to let it show, so he wouldn't refuse to let her come visit me. She knew I really didn't like him, but she'd defend him some, so I was careful about what I said about him to her. I didn't want any animosity between us, preventing her from reaching out to me when it all went south.
I could not stand my sister's ex-husband and unfortunately was not as good at hiding it as you apparently were. He is a bully and a cheat, finally got caught and despite some reconciliation efforts we finally are almost rid of him. I say almost because they have two children, and once there's kids involved you never really can get rid of the SOBs.
I really couldn't stand him, but tried not to let it show, so he wouldn't refuse to let her come visit me. She knew I really didn't like him, but she'd defend him some, so I was careful about what I said about him to her. I didn't want any animosity between us, preventing her from reaching out to me when it all went south.

I'm so sorry you're under this stress, something I know you don't need. I hope your daughter gets rid of her rubbish like my son is finally doing.

I was the same way, biting my tongue, keeping my feelings about that red-headed wench to myself, but as soon as I feel it's safe, my son will know how much both my husband and myself have loathed and distrusted that woman since before they got married. I wish he'd married his other girlfriend with the little boy. For the longest time, I didn't understand why they broke up, but eventually, he told us she slept with someone else because he refused to, wanting to wait. He didn't believe in that and she didn't think she could wait. But, they were not even engaged at the time. Having someone cheat on him after 19 years of marriage was far, far worse, as he's since learned. Thankfully, no domestic violence is involved (unless she's hit him, which I have never heard him say) and there are no children. They lost a baby 14 years ago, a son. I'm not happy they went through that, but it would have made this so much worse if Cieran had lived and been a teenager.
On a brighter note, I'm eating a lot of luscious cantaloupe! The garden is producing a lot of those, plus honeydew and has a few Black Diamond Heirloom watermelon, the latter two not ripe yet.

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