The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Speckled Hen, are you sure the hens are fertile, maybe the boys aren't at fault?I

Yup, unless they just now lost fertility. Maverick and the ones who went to KY with Ladyhawk were all from the blue Rock hens, same as the ones I had under Dottie. Those two hens are 4 years old, so I'd not expect them to be infertile at this point. I didn't think of that angle, though.
Probably won't fool them for long. I keep moving those two around so they don't stay in one place.

that this progress continues!

I see Andrew lurking on the thread occasionally. Andrew, you really should post sometime! Hope you're having fun with those Rock chicks!

So this is what I did.

I was in the Dollar Store and saw snakes of different colors and lizard that swell up when wet. I bought a black snake and a green snake and a lizard.

The lizard is about 10" long and a decent size, swelled according to the label 600%. Since it's so wet here I figure it will be large enough to hopefully scare a mouse. If not I'm only out a couple of bucks.

Now another thing I got was a pair of flip flops. I'd gone looking for insoles for my boots. The originals had worn through and I was ripping hole in my socks. They didn't have insoles so I thought "I wonder if these (flip flops) will work? " So I bought a pair for a $1, cut off the strap part and tucked them in my boots. Fit just right. Nice and soft.
I love thinking of new ways to use things that weren't meant for that particular use. Good one on the flip flops! I've never seen those fake reptiles that swell. Will have to look for those. I'm about ready to get a barn cat if this keeps up, mouse pellets on the deck every morning, etc. I know I live in the woods, but I wish they'd stay out in the woods. I'm afraid that a cat would be eaten by the resident coyote pack or the foxes like all the other strays I don't see around here any more. I heard what I'm sure was a fox screaming in the woods early this morning as I was watching a whitetail doe jump our fence (she has a fawn she's raising on the property, maybe two, not sure).

Sadly, we had to euthanize a Belgian D'anver hen this morning. She was hurt two days ago, not sure how, but it was definitely something in her neck area, very painful. Either a rooster jerked her head too hard, or she was jumped on or she flew into the front wall/window from the roost. Noticed her losing her balance and her eyes appeared glazed so we brought her inside. She wasn't getting better, even began seizing, twisting her head back and DH had to put her down. Horrible that it was a sweet little one year old hen, too, tiny but laid the biggest eggs in that coop. RIP, Jenny.
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I'm headed for $tree tomorrow. I can't even go look at their snakes -
. I know if I bought them and put them outside - every time I'd pass them I'd start running - I have poor memory - so that would happen a lot.
Honestly, if they are not going to make it, I wish they would just die - hard to do the deed with one you really like.

Tarzan, on the other hand, has an appointment at the processor on Thursday. Blessed quiet in the mornings again soon.

I so agree with you. Bless her heart, I think she may have had a cracked vertebra or something along those lines, enough to cause neurological symptoms but not enough to kill her outright. She was such a precious little soul, one we saved from an extreme case of cocci when she was a chick, so we fought for her to live and had to help her die. Her sister will be missing her as well as Lucy, who had become her best pal in the coop other than Sissy.
I love thinking of new ways to use things that weren't meant for that particular use. Good one on the flip flops! I've never seen those fake reptiles that swell. Will have to look for those. I'm about ready to get a barn cat if this keeps up, mouse pellets on the deck every morning, etc. I know I live in the woods, but I wish they'd stay out in the woods. I'm afraid that a cat would be eaten by the resident coyote pack or the foxes like all the other strays I don't see around here any more. I heard what I'm sure was a fox screaming in the woods early this morning as I was watching a whitetail doe jump our fence (she has a fawn she's raising on the property, maybe two, not sure).

Sadly, we had to euthanize a Belgian D'anver hen this morning. She was hurt two days ago, not sure how, but it was definitely something in her neck area, very painful. Either a rooster jerked her head too hard, or she was jumped on or she flew into the front wall/window from the roost. Noticed her losing her balance and her eyes appeared glazed so we brought her inside. She wasn't getting better, even began seizing, twisting her head back and DH had to put her down. Horrible that it was a sweet little one year old hen, too, tiny but laid the biggest eggs in that coop. RIP, Jenny.
I did see a stray cat around and once it had gotten a mouse in my garden, but I don't see it enough.

I've not seen the fox that came earlier this year nor heard it. I've heard tell there are coyotes about but haven't seen them either.

Now I am missing the rabbits that used to be here in the evenings but if there about they don't come out.

I did see a big ground hog one afternoon. I was glad to see him even if that does sound crazy.

I am sorry for your loss of a bird. My two ex Orp roosters hurt and forced the culling of two young pullets one year. learned the hard way not to let them out around the young birds. They are gone now. Like many things I wish I hadn't given them away.
Honestly, if they are not going to make it, I wish they would just die - hard to do the deed with one you really like.

Tarzan, on the other hand, has an appointment at the processor on Thursday. Blessed quiet in the mornings again soon.

Yes this is true. I'm glad I didn't with my Buckwheat. I may not be so quick to cull anymore. She may never lay again but that's okay with me.

I checked last evening and there are veins and movement in Frenchy's lone egg. I do hope I can keep the hen on it til it hatches. A second egg shows no signs of life.
So sorry about little Jenny. The D'anver boys are doing well, although they cried a bit for mommy last night. Betsy walked in and made herself at home, poor Cheyenne, on the other hand, has been relegated to lowest in the pecking order. Even Georgia picks on her. She spends a lot of time hiding in the nest boxes and is the first one on the roost at night. She will get used to it eventually, but I hate those first few days that new flock members have to go through to fit in. Reminds me of high school. :barnie

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