The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

It's a lot of fun! I may eventually get some trim and try another coordinating color. But I have some metal yard art that is going to go on some of that back wall, and I've got some planter boxes, and will make more, that will go on top of the pavers surrounding the pen. Not sure just what I'll plant there, as it's mostly pretty shady, but it will be fun planning it and doing it. I think my next step in painting will be some stain for the run wood. I don't want it to be raw and deteriorating....

The old hens are in the former bantam coop tonight, the bantams in the new coop we just built and Atlas is back in the former old hens' coop. He seems like I've let him go home, happy to be there. I wonder what the old ladies think of the purple, gold and seafoam green interior? They have to love the shortie ramp-their other one was about 7' long and very steep. May have to tweak the roosts a bit for their big bums, though.

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I am. The pen cover isn't the prettiest, but DH "MacGuyver'd" it and made it work with materials we had on hand so the bantams could move into it today. Finally, everyone is where they should be for the time being.
Hopefully, Atlas will chill out now that he's back in familiar surroundings where he's more comfortable?!

I sure hope so. I go in and out of that coop, which is easier since it has a front storage area and when you open the door and go in, you are not going directly into the coop. So, Atlas isn't right at the door you open. He seems thrilled to be back where he obviously thinks is home. He looks so huge when you are inside a coop with him!

I walked in and around him in there with no trouble whatsoever, but then, I've never had any with him anyway. I'll keep testing him, which usually means knowing in my head he could be a problem, but trying never to in any way communicate to him with body language that I think he will hurt me. I'm sure that's what DH does, give off that vibe that he will be flogged. Thankfully, Atlas has never flogged anyone, which is a line I always wait for them to cross. Let's hope he doesn't forget himself.

He actually mated Rowena yesterday so maybe he will calm down. At 25 weeks old, I think eggs are coming soon from his two pullets, and that is a good sign. He should calm down when he has girls on the same page as he is, I think.

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