The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Thanks for the pictures of the little fluff cute! Are you having much pain from the tooth? I've never had a tooth ache, but from what I've heard, they can really hurt.
Thanks for the pictures of the little fluff cute! Are you having much pain from the tooth? I've never had a tooth ache, but from what I've heard, they can really hurt.

I've had plenty of dental work over the years. My teeth fell apart when I was pregnant with my second son. Just one of those genetic tendencies, I guess, because I take great care of my teeth. Makes me crazy that I can do all this and my teeth just don't last-I have many crowns and a bridge-and my DH's parents never took him to a dentist but him drinking that south GA water full of sulphur when he was a kid probably kept decay away and though it permanently yellowed his teeth to a degree, it laid down a barrier of protection. Migraines and tooth/jaw pain rank right up there together. Lucky me, I get both.

I did manage to piece this little crib quilt (still needs a border, though) for someone to give as a gift to a baby girl who is coming in June.

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Same here....I could buy a new car with all the dental work my husband and I have had over the years. Some of my permanent teeth were missing, so I had to get braces to move the teeth so a permanent bridge could be placed. And I've got my share of crowns and so does my husband. He has also had a couple of root canals done too. My brother is having the same problem you are having. He has an infection under one of his crowns and is now on antibiotics.
Same here....I could buy a new car with all the dental work my husband and I have had over the years. Some of my permanent teeth were missing, so I had to get braces to move the teeth so a permanent bridge could be placed. And I've got my share of crowns and so does my husband. He has also had a couple of root canals done too. My brother is having the same problem you are having. He has an infection under one of his crowns and is now on antibiotics.

He has my sympathies, then. I just have to decide do I have it just removed or do I put in a bridge. Seems a lot of money for one tooth that doesn't really show much when I know I have one that will need a crown that does show closer to the front. And you have to drill into two other teeth to put in a crown; in my case one already has a crown and the other has never had any dental work on it. Yuck. I'm leaning toward not putting anything in its place if I have to have it pulled after the infection is gone.
I've had infections under crowns (had a really, really bad dentist-that left the state ) one I had to have pulled. Then we realized the tooth behind it had the same problem. In fact she did several crowns in the years I saw her, and nearly everyone is decayed or infected. The only good thing was she left the state so I had to find someone else.

I could not afford the money- for, as you say a tooth that doesn't show. My front tooth crowned is so loose my new dentist said it is hanging by a thread. The tooth next to it is loose also. He says he will have to make a bridge - I think 3 teeth will be involved. Front teeth you need to have - how anyone can afford it I don't know. Dentist prefers to do lower molars on two sides that are infected - he wants to do root canals and crowns. My insurance pays only a max. of $1500 a year (50% of approved services) that probably isn't enough for one root canal & crown. I think he wants to do them first because after I'm totally broke - then the front tooth will fail and I HAVE to take careof that. He just doesn't understand, some people are living from one social security check to another. No where near the average amount of ss for me. I only had low paying jobs.

I'd rather he pull both of them. I know dentists like to preserve teeth but, they think you can come up with money if you need too. Duh. Like you don't have health bills and utilities, property tax, and so on. I've always taken care of my teeth - done everything dentists have said. Gone to dentists since I was a kid - every 6 mos. throughout my life - just have bad teeth, my sister too. My mom didn't know you had to have lots of calcium especially when pg. As a result she had to have dentures when she was 40. Having 3 kids didn't help - she had osteoporosis later too from it.
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Kids today don't have the problems us older folks have. I was nine before I had my first dentist exam and we didn't have fluoride toothpaste, much less dental floss. I had my fill of cavities and the teeth that had the cavities were weak and I broke I know at least 5 of them and had to have them capped. So far I have not had any problems with them. I have a wonderful dentist that I have been going to for the last 25 yrs. and he stays pretty much up with everything. I'm glad I haven't had any problems in a while, especially with dental costs being high as they are. Keeping my fingers crossed.
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I've had infections under crowns (had a really, really bad dentist-that left the state ) one I had to have pulled. Then we realized the tooth behind it had the same problem. In fact she did several crowns in the years I saw her, and nearly everyone is decayed or infected. The only good thing was she left the state so I had to find someone else.

I could not afford the money- for, as you say a tooth that doesn't show. My front tooth crowned is so loose my new dentist said it is hanging by a thread. The tooth next to it is loose also. He says he will have to make a bridge - I think 3 teeth will be involved. Front teeth you need to have - how anyone can afford it I don't know. Dentist prefers to do lower molars on two sides that are infected - he wants to do root canals and crowns. My insurance pays only a max. of $1500 a year (50% of approved services) that probably isn't enough for one root canal & crown. I think he wants to do them first because after I'm totally broke - then the front tooth will fail and I HAVE to take careof that. He just doesn't understand, some people are living from one social security check to another. No where near the average amount of ss for me. I only had low paying jobs.

I'd rather he pull both of them. I know dentists like to preserve teeth but, they think you can come up with money if you need too. Duh. Like you don't have health bills and utilities, property tax, and so on. I've always taken care of my teeth - done everything dentists have said. Gone to dentists since I was a kid - every 6 mos. throughout my life - just have bad teeth, my sister too. My mom didn't know you had to have lots of calcium especially when pg. As a result she had to have dentures when she was 40. Having 3 kids didn't help - she had osteoporosis later too from it.

Dentists think they rule the world for some reason. Why, if teeth affect the rest of your health, is dental work not included in your normal health insurance????? It SHOULD be! I live on military pension and even with my dental insurance, $2000 (half price bridge) is not chump change. It puts me back for months and months and months, maybe over a year, trying to pay for it, and that's if absolutely nothing else goes wrong on any front. I have had one back molar pulled and not replaced many years ago when we made almost nothing in the military. This one is in front of the back molar on the other side.

My question: if the tooth itself is fine and the infection gets kicked out, why does that tooth, that now very expensive tooth, have to come out? Why did it get infected in the first place? Can I leave it in? It's fully intact, no decay.
Unfortunately if the capped tooth became infected once it is much more likely to be infected again - often the bacteria enter through microcracks or via new decay around the edges of the crown. A tooth with a properly done root canal should not ever become infected again.

My dentist does not take the dental insurance offered by BC-BS of Michigan - only one dentist within 60 miles will take it, the compensation they offer is so small. And I will only go to my regular dentist, he does excellent work, and as you all have found not all dentists are the same. I too had bad childhood experiences at the dentist and going in even for a cleaning produces a lot of anxiety. Last time I went in for a cleaning they switched me to their new hygenist and I came as close as I every had to having a fit in the office. "you don't mind, do you?" Well, yes. Yes I mind very much.
I am PARTICULAR. They assured me it would not happen again - we'll see, I am going in next week.
Unfortunately if the capped tooth became infected once it is much more likely to be infected again - often the bacteria enter through microcracks or via new decay around the edges of the crown. A tooth with a properly done root canal should not ever become infected again.

My dentist does not take the dental insurance offered by BC-BS of Michigan - only one dentist within 60 miles will take it, the compensation they offer is so small. And I will only go to my regular dentist, he does excellent work, and as you all have found not all dentists are the same. I too had bad childhood experiences at the dentist and going in even for a cleaning produces a lot of anxiety. Last time I went in for a cleaning they switched me to their new hygenist and I came as close as I every had to having a fit in the office. "you don't mind, do you?" Well, yes. Yes I mind very much.
I am PARTICULAR. They assured me it would not happen again - we'll see, I am going in next week.
This dentist sang the praises of the one who did the root canal so he thinks it was exemplary work. And there is no decay so where the infection came from is anybody's guess. I do have to drive an hour and a half to get there, but it's the closest who takes my Humana One plan (costs $16/mo). So, it may have to be pulled after I've already spent a fortune on it, but it is what it is, I guess. At least the extraction may only cost 1/4 of what it would normally since I do have the insurance.

Love the bird fabric
Thanks, me, too. It's from the Waverly design series and surprisingly cheap (in price, not quality) at Walmart. Going back to get more of that line today since I already need batting anyway.

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