The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

OH !!! Yuck, yuck. We are suppose to get it too in western NC. We are as prepared as we can be. Hope all goes well with you and your visitor.
OH NO! I am so sorry your son's trip is being complicated by this nasty winter weather. I just checked the forecast for Knoxville as my cousin (who has never been north of Montgomery, AL) is in Knoxville and is supposed to drive home on Wednesday. She picked a great time for a crash course in Winter driving.
OH NO! I am so sorry your son's trip is being complicated by this nasty winter weather. I just checked the forecast for Knoxville as my cousin (who has never been north of Montgomery, AL) is in Knoxville and is supposed to drive home on Wednesday. She picked a great time for a crash course in Winter driving.

Oh, honey, don't say "crash course" in regard to winter driving conditions, LOL! Yeah, nasty real winter weather coming now. The winds are howling. Everyone has heat lamps, food and water (with defrosters on) for this bout and most have hay on the floor for extra insulation, especially Isaac and Amanda.
Oh, honey, don't say "crash course" in regard to winter driving conditions, LOL! Yeah, nasty real winter weather coming now. The winds are howling. Everyone has heat lamps, food and water (with defrosters on) for this bout and most have hay on the floor for extra insulation, especially Isaac and Amanda.

OH MY GOSH, you are right!!! I don't want to call an accident down on anyone. :) Sweet Isaac, I hope the cold isn't too hard on his joints.
OH MY GOSH, you are right!!! I don't want to call an accident down on anyone. :) Sweet Isaac, I hope the cold isn't too hard on his joints.
My sweet old man has done well this winter, but temps and windchills like this really stress him out. I'm especially concerned about my splash Ameraucana, Snow, who has been showing signs of doing her final downhill slide like her sister, Nora, did at the end of last year. She will be 7 years old in April, but I fear she won't make it, she's so frail, like a little old lady. Winter weather can put the final nail in the coffin, as it were.
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I hope Snow makes it through...cold weather is rough on the elders, us included. Stay safe and warm. They're predicting that we may even get some of the frozen stuff. I've been wanting some snow, but not the sleet and freezing rain.
The guy who we agreed with to clean up and seed the extra lot is here working! TODAY? It's pouring freezing rain, super cold and nasty. He brought his small bulldozer and is using that now, after taking away his backhoe almost a week ago. Thought what i heard was utility trucks cutting limbs because of the storm, but nope. Never would expect anyone to work in this mess. I hope he's careful. It's surely very slick out there in the mud.

ETA: Oh, good, he left a little bit later after pushing a few things around. GOOD CALL on that one! No one who doesn't have to be should be out in this stuff.
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Wow, that's dedication!

We are looking at 10-12 inches of snow today and tomorrow. We have about 4-5 right now. The boys already had the day off for inservice, but DH even got cancelled today!! He has been like a little kid watching the snow come down, can't wait to get on the tractor and push snow around!

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