The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread


I had a bright red Jeep Grand Cherokee once and the color did not seem to make it more noticible (to bad drivers anyway)

Cyn, I waved down at you this morning on my way to Florida, did you see me?
Nice looking car, hope it works out for you.

Thanks, I hate buying vehicles, I really do. I always second guess myself. I have never owned a new vehicle-this is the second newest I've ever bought. The newest was a 2 year old Chevy Celebrity station wagon with 47K miles on it (6 cyl). That was a great car. My older son ended up driving it after I bought my Buick Century and he drove it up until it hit about 230K, then sold it. I used my Buick for real estate then sold it to a mom buying it for her teenage son and bought my Lumina in 2000. Both Celebrity and Lumina had been used for some sales team or something like that.

We had a Ranger pickup but traded for a big Silverado in the late 90's because we needed the 4WD and the power for what we were doing at the time, but we sold it right before we bought the Honda CRV, which my husband wanted. The Silverado was a real gas hog and hard to park, etc, but it was starting to rust a lot underneath, including very necessary bolts. Scary. SUVs are easier for my husband to get in and out of with his bad back, no crawling down into them and up out of them like a sedan, hence the CRV and the Rogue. Eventually, we may end up with a small truck anyway, IF we miraculously find one. They're very hard to come by without high miles or too-high price. And the quad cab trend is keeping it hard to find the right one, too. Don't need that, keeps it too long, too heavy, etc.
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Back to subject! Atlas! Poor neglected Atlas-well, at least in picture taking. He's been molting and has nasty, half-white tail feathers that won't let go for the new ones, but here is the sweet big guy and some of his girls.

.....welllllll, it won't allow me to post pictures. What the heck? I'll get back to it when it lets me. Refreshing and trying again. Let me check announcements and see if others are having the same issue.

ETA: Okay, now it works.

Lizzie at top and Wynette bottom with Atlas, of course.

This pic of Lizzie is grainy but she has her new feathers in finally and just look at her straight barring and beautiful body type! Her wavy comb is a mystery, though-Atlas nor any of his hens have a wavy comb, none of them, only Lizzie. Weird.

Wynette is laying again so I kept her egg today in case she goes broody again. She raised Athena and her brothers last time she was broody but has not laid in awhile. I don't have any progeny of Wynette's unless Athena or Lizzie belong to her. Tessa and Zara are Ida's as is Apollo.

Big Ida. She has a pendulous crop now. And @crazyhen your namesake is top left below. She is still with me, now 5 1/2.
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