The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

My favorite flower beds and vegetable beds are all fenced or else everything would be ransacked around here. Thankfully my chickens don't jump over my 2 and 3 foot tall fences.

I now after many years of being left alone have a family of deer that happily munch my hostas and my apples off my trees. Good thing I can buy stuff at the store, but I sure do miss getting apples. Maybe this year they will leave me a few.

I had used lots of bricks for edging over the years. I enjoy walking them like they are a tightrope for some odd reason, I can't seem to help myself. I love curves.
That's all going to look really nice when you are done.

I slice summer squash thin and saute it in a little butter until it is browned. Sometime I will then add shredded cheese and beaten eggs and cook it like a fritata.
My favorite flower beds and vegetable beds are all fenced or else everything would be ransacked around here. Thankfully my chickens don't jump over my 2 and 3 foot tall fences.

I now after many years of being left alone have a family of deer that happily munch my hostas and my apples off my trees. Good thing I can buy stuff at the store, but I sure do miss getting apples. Maybe this year they will leave me a few.

I had used lots of bricks for edging over the years. I enjoy walking them like they are a tightrope for some odd reason, I can't seem to help myself. I love curves.

LOL, I do stuff like that, too, make a game of it. I'd love to take this all the way to the barn gate, but there are some gnarly, above ground roots that need some soil over them I'd have to cross. We need a load or two of topsoil for the whole front yard to cover all those, but I want to get my beds laid out and see about that later.

That's all going to look really nice when you are done.

I slice summer squash thin and saute it in a little butter until it is browned. Sometime I will then add shredded cheese and beaten eggs and cook it like a fritata.

That sounds yummy, Mary. I bet Tom would love that.
I just love my husband to pieces! He went to a yard sale and offered to stop by the Walmart in that town to get three or four things that ours didn't have on the grocery trip he did just yesterday (alone). I was thinking that I hope he'll think about the bullet edgers and maybe stop by HD right near there to get me a few more so I can continue my project, but I didn't call him about it. And guess what? He came home with 15 more for me! And I am making him a pound cake to take to a friend's get-together tomorrow so I asked him if he'd shoo the two broodies and their babies back into their respective pens and without hesitation, out he goes and cheerfully herds them in-I heard him saying, "Come on, babies, inside! Good babies!".
:love He's a keeper!

oh, a short clip of Pooh this morning. She is 14 weeks old tomorrow!!!

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I got me one of them good husband's too. That was very thoughtful of him.

Pooh looks good, maybe she will beat the odds. She is like a bantam cochin without the pants on, she's wearing shorts.
I got me one of them good husband's too. That was very thoughtful of him.

Pooh looks good, maybe she will beat the odds. She is like a bantam cochin without the pants on, she's wearing shorts.

Lucky you on the husband front!

Yes, Pooh looks pretty good. Hard to believe she'll be leaving before she lays an egg. Will be interesting to see how long she goes, though.

I worked some on the sidewalk today. Obviously, I need quite a few more of the edgers and I may have to tweak the curve to get both sides going the same way-it was not symmetrical before.

Some of my edging isn't exactly straight or even either. Maybe a length of 2x4 can be used a means of keeping the width of the walkway more even. Otherwise, it's all character.:)
Well, then this place is FULL of character, LOL.

Sadly, this morning, I believe we are losing Pooh. Today, she is 14 weeks old. When I opened the cage, Cora blasted out, but I had to crawl in and get Pooh, who was laying in the back corner and didn't try to stand up. I put her in the hospital cage where she drank and drank from the watererer, then sat down. I placed a little tray in front of her with the 13 way scratch and chick starter and she looked at it, but is not eating it. That is a sure sign to me because Pooh is an exuberant eater, normally.

Of course, my husband will be gone all day long so I have the task of watching both Pooh and my little Carly go downhill. I'm glad, though, that he'll have some fun today with old high school friends. We felt we may be burying both Carly and Pooh in the same grave and it may come true. Carly has been having multiple daily seizures since what we felt was a stroke, can't walk without staggering, though she will eat the spinach, lettuce, kale and clover I bring her, but she is losing weight, not great for a normally 17 oz chicken. I thought maybe she might rally, but she hasn't.
So sorry about how Pooh and Carly are going downhill! Glad that Pooh has made it so far, though!

It is sad and I really did not expect Pooh to live this long. I hoped maybe she would go another couple of weeks, but this is how it goes. Spry one day and gone the next with these dwarfs. She is at the back corner of the cage with her head to the corner, sleeping. So, either by the end of the day today or tomorrow a.m., she will be leaving us. I'll miss her quirky ways and that look on her face she always has.

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