The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Cyn, I used to take a lot of med myself, 12 at one point, but I'm down to five now. I'm diabetic and went on insulin several years ago, and that knocked out a couple of meds right there. I also was on a couple of meds that had such adverse side effects that I refused to take them any longer. Quality of life trumps medication as far as I'm concerned. However, one med I cannot do without is Cymbalta because it manages the neuropathy pain. I've skipped taking it before, and the pain returns with a vengence, so that pill is a must for me. Anyway, pain management seems to be one thing with which your husband is wrestling. I hope he finds relief in some way.

As long as your ad is NOT in the Personals section, I think you're fine. :lol:
Was the question "can I just buy the pullet?":rolleyes:

Actually, someone did ask that earlier, but that wasn't the last question I was so irritated by-I am always ready for the "will you just sell the pullet" question. If you notice, I say TWICE where I am located and where the chicks must be picked up. The question was "where are you located?". I mean, I actually went back to see if I'd somehow dreamed writing that part and there it was in two different locations. Geez. My husband said if he can't read the ad any better than that, he probably can't take care of chicks, either. I used to put "please read ENTIRE ad B4 responding!". Guess I have to go back to doing that again.
I have a barred rock hen. Someone wanted to rehome their hen and was offering the coop , fencing and other paraphernalia so offered to take her. We have her coop set up in a quarantine area.
What a nice hen she is. So tame and friendly. You can tell they really loved her. Are all barred rocks like this? Or is it just because she was someone's beloved pet. My husband drove over to get her and the coop and he has really taken a liken to her. I really didn't need another hen but what the hey. She is sweet, looks very healthy and I think the grandkids will love her.
I have a barred rock hen. Someone wanted to rehome their hen and was offering the coop , fencing and other paraphernalia so offered to take her. We have her coop set up in a quarantine area.
What a nice hen she is. So tame and friendly. You can tell they really loved her. Are all barred rocks like this? Or is it just because she was someone's beloved pet. My husband drove over to get her and the coop and he has really taken a liken to her. I really didn't need another hen but what the hey. She is sweet, looks very healthy and I think the grandkids will love her.

Most Barred Rocks are very sweet birds. The roosters can vary, as roosters tend to do, unless you get one from a line that has been bred for temperament (and then, no real guarantee). You'd love my Atlas, such a sweetheart and even Hector can be a lovebug. My friend, Ladyhawk, never was in love with BRs until she visited years ago and met my Ivy. She still talks to this day about Ivy, how soft her feathers were, how intelligent she was. She was a convert from then on.
Took new photos of the five almost-9-week-old BR chicks. On purpose, I got Drea/Drew close to one of the obvious cockerels. I call him/her "the it child" now. And Bruce, in answer to your question about the pullet.....


RE: Drew/Drea..... WHAT IS IT???????? :barnie :he

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