The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

I agree, I'm going to have to just decide it's Drew. My ad explains it took a long time to sex this one, and if it's a big, tricky pullet, well, sorry! LOL.

Tessa has BROKEN! :wee At LAST! I saw her climb out of her nest yesterday, look like she just woke up and she never went back. Whew, now for Bonnie! Lizzie is on Day 19 with her three from Hector's pen and Thea is on, technically, Day 2 with her five Brahma eggs. Please, please, PLEASE no more broodies this year!

Not only did a family member have a heart attack, but the same day, apparently, a longtime Facebook friend of my husband's died in his sleep, a heart attack. It was so sudden, that no one believed it, thought he was hacked, until family members began posting that it was true. I don't think he was that old, had a 13 year old daughter, who was away at Bible camp. Sigh.
Sorry about your friend, it's a reminder on how precious every day is.

I think my broodies are slowing down, so has my egg production. Some of my roosters are molting and my turkeys are dropping feathers too. I have asked in the regular forums if anyone else is seeing the start of the molt, but apparently I'm the only one. Anyone else seeing extra feathers?
Sorry about your friend, it's a reminder on how precious every day is.

I think my broodies are slowing down, so has my egg production. Some of my roosters are molting and my turkeys are dropping feathers too. I have asked in the regular forums if anyone else is seeing the start of the molt, but apparently I'm the only one. Anyone else seeing extra feathers?

Well, when a hen goes broody or rather, is coming out of it, she molts as a result of decreased food/water. So, it's hard to say because I have several who have just been broody recently. Other than that, not really many molting right now, other than someone in the old hens' pen, one of the black girls.
Sorry about your friend, it's a reminder on how precious every day is.

I think my broodies are slowing down, so has my egg production. Some of my roosters are molting and my turkeys are dropping feathers too. I have asked in the regular forums if anyone else is seeing the start of the molt, but apparently I'm the only one. Anyone else seeing extra feathers?

My rooster has started molting, his tail has disappeared.
I put my littles in the big dog crate on the back porch, yesterday. Of course, it was raining out, but they were under the roofed over part, so they didn't get wet. Actually, the rain kept it from being overly hot. They were skittery at first, but settled down. I checked on them often, and through the night. They seem very happy in their new digs. In a couple weeks, I'll have them in their own section of the coop.

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