The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Than we are both free. I actually have no clue what to do with children, chickens and dogs I got. Give me a puppy any day, or a batch of chicks. I will always wonder about it though. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

My friends grandkids are cute. I can enjoy them without having to do anything with them except look at their pictures.

You are ruining my mid-life crisis, how can I wallow in self pity when you guys keep making sense. :)

I will be okay after this weekend, I'm just going into extremely nervous mode and should stop talking now.

I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am, I'm debating not even bothering going to bed since I'm usually up until 1 am.

Sorry about all the disjointed thoughts, it's what's going on in my head.

Hospital stuff makes us all nervous. I've heard folks say they can't wait to get to the hospital for surgery NEVER!

Yeah, kids can be cute, but just because they're cute, doesn't mean you have to own one. Same as dogs and cats and every breed of chicken known to humankind. Appreciation from a distance is enough for most of us, I think. My nephews have the most adorable kids ever, but good grief, I think they are insane to have them right now! If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't. I did not want kids when we got married and lost my mind for some reason. Now, my husband understands why I didn't want them. Well, bucko, WAY too late!
Decided to join in the thread. You have a lot pretty chickens for Sure I read through the first 150 posts and then just skipped way ahead so missed a couple years in the middle lol
I've always been fond of docile pretty roosters as well. I won't tolerate a mean rooster or overly mean hen.

Im back in chickens after about a 10 year break and have a breeding goal in mind. Still a ways to go for that though since my chicks are about 10 days old and the pair of older pullets are about 6-8 weeks old. Lol They are being spoiled inside currently.

How is old Atlas doing now? He has to be around 3 and a half now, huh?
Sorry you've had the losses over the years but your chickens have had nice lives for sure!:old:wee:love
@cppeace hi, thanks for joining the Atlas thread. Yes, the big guy is about 3 1/2 now, always looks scruffy because he lets Dru and Wynette pluck at his hackle feathers. And he has one sickle feather that has fewer bars on it every time he molts, gets whiter and whiter-I call it his old age feather. My Delaware, his grandsire, was the same way. He's a good boy, but he doesn't really like new hens. I tried to put his daughters, Zara and Athena, and his sister, Wendy, that he was raised with, back with him and he gets really angry when they won't readily submit to him, jumps at them and flogs them, pushes them away. I'm afraid if he doesn't calm down, his older girls will pass on and he'll be left with nobody. I'm going to have to start calling him a grumpy old man if he doesn't let some other girls into his harem soon.

Yes, we've had a few losses, but that's just natural for keeping chickens over the years, even in absence of contagious disease. There are so many things that can kill them that are beyond the usual "pat answers" we often get when you ask for assistance with an ill bird. For example, a friend of mine thought one of her hens was dying of egg yolk peritonitis and when her vet did a necropsy, it was leukemia. But, most of mine now are dying of old age, which is preferable to any disease or injury.
What is the estimated time that you will be at the hospital? When do you think you'll be back on byc?
They say 2-3 days, so I'm hoping that means home on Saturday. I will do all I can to escape as early as possible. I'm hoping I'm not to hopped up on drugs to see straight when I get home. Hopefully I can give a thumbs up before the weekend is over.

Unfortunately they can't say how extensive the surgery will be until they get in there. Best case scenario is laparoscopy, worse case is opening me up again. Hopefully it's simple, but you never know, that's part of my nervousness, not really knowing.
Yay, clean clothes. Thank you. I think we have talked enough about me today, I'm getting embarrassed. Too many people looking at me now. :oops:

I will distract everyone with a picture of my Barnevelder rooster. Except for his comb points, and half a wattle being lost to frostbite he's a good looking boy.
He's gorgeous! I love Barnevelders. The hens are laced rather like my partridge Brahma gals.

I tried to offer a chick to Bonnie. She did not cluck, she got up and stared. So, she's being stupid now, sitting on nothing for nothing. So, Thea gets to keep all four chicks to herself. One is independent and BIG. Love those Brahma babies so much.

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