The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Sorry to hear about the incident with Atlas. Some cornstarch would have majorly slowed or stopped the bleeding inmost cases. It's what's used if a nail get's trimmed too short in most pets.

Yeah the trust sounds like a good idea all in all.

I thought this was the first year of fall chicks in TSC. Cackle is out of pretty much all chicks but the most common breeds.(That shows how they produce most of their own chicks, on their own run farms and don't order from 10 different places like most other hatcheries. ) I love that I live half a mile from Cackle lol
Sorry to hear about the incident with Atlas. Some cornstarch would have majorly slowed or stopped the bleeding inmost cases. It's what's used if a nail get's trimmed too short in most pets.

Yeah the trust sounds like a good idea all in all.

I thought this was the first year of fall chicks in TSC. Cackle is out of pretty much all chicks but the most common breeds.(That shows how they produce most of their own chicks, on their own run farms and don't order from 10 different places like most other hatcheries. ) I love that I live half a mile from Cackle lol

This was truly a gusher, probably beyond cornstarch or blood stop powder's ability to staunch, I'm afraid. We tried super glue originally, which should have worked, but nope, so cauterizing it was the best thing. I'm glad it wasn't Hector! He would not have been such a good patient.
Well,glad ya'll got it stopped and he was such a good patient.

Thanks, yes, he was so good, I was a little surprised. He usually struggles a lot, not like Hector would have, but the vibration of the grinding wheel against his spur felt up his leg probably freaks him out. I still need to do it to my porcelain D'Anver rooster's spurs-those have an outward C-curve and are about 3" long. On a tiny chicken nugget, that's huge! Thankfully, his son, Spike, is spur-less.

Lizzie's chicks are amazingly friendly and adorable. And Lizzie has become friendlier since she's been a mom! That rarely happens. She is not as bad as Tessa, just a tad standoffish in general, but now, she is much calmer and less likely to skitter away when I want to touch her. The little cockerels think I'm their second mother. The pullet was a little more scared, but now, she's coming around to her brothers' way of thinking.
I'm home, pretty big surgery with drain lines. I am feeling woozy and sore, but happy to be sitting on my own couch. My husband is my hero again with all he does for me.

Glad to hear you got both your pipes and rooster to stop leaking. I will be around, but maybe not always present for a week or so until I feel better.
I'm home, pretty big surgery with drain lines. I am feeling woozy and sore, but happy to be sitting on my own couch. My husband is my hero again with all he does for me.

Glad to hear you got both your pipes and rooster to stop leaking. I will be around, but maybe not always present for a week or so until I feel better.

LISA! I'm so glad to hear from you, been thinking about you but didn't want to bother you. I see you have not lost your sense of humor! LOL! You take care, just glad you're home and hubby is on duty!

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