The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Here are photos of the laced orp kids today. 16 weeks old.

Such a pretty girl.

Blue Band
No name yet....

Red Band
Also no name yet...


Seminole, congrats on the house! I love old houses!

Here's a little cutie to brighten your Saturday. Meet Bubba, our new dexter baby. Our heifer had him on Wednesday, 7 days past her due date. We were here to see it all. She did an awesome job and is being a great first time momma.


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Sue, those Orps are very pretty, too! You know, I am torn about my Brahmas. I love, love, LOVE Bash and those girls. They are so pretty, but I have had nothing but issues with crops with several of them. Bailey's is again sluggish. She is finishing her molt and is skin and bones. (for that matter, MaryJo, Atlas's daughter, is finishing her molt and is also nothing but a bag of bones. Her crop was slow, but it's fine now-she just isn't eating).
Just like the Blue Orps, these big birds have had crop issues way too often.

I want more than one breed running around here, even with a mixed single flock and I was trying to think which one I've had that had zero issues, at least for most of their lives. The true Ameraucanas and the Easter Eggers have been easy keepers, though their eggs are not as regular nor as large as any other birds here. I mean, Snow is 10 1/2 and Gypsy will be 11 years old next month. They don't lay anymore, but have never had crop nor egg problems that I recall. With the BR rooster, they'd make some nice barred EEs. But, I need those old women to let go! They are not going anywhere, apparently. :rolleyes:
I don't know what was wrong with me last night but I did my closing up the chicken chores backwards and because I didn't follow the routine, I forgot to close up one of the coops. So this morning I went out to a dead hen - one of my old Wellsumers. I'm so upset with myself! It's bad enough to lose one to a predator at any time but when it's my own stupid fault, it makes it so much worse! She was one of 2 Wellsumers that I had left from a long time ago. Funny, I never wrote down in my chicken diary when I got them so I can't quite remember how old they are but it was a long time, 8 to 10 years. They haven't laid eggs in a couple of years now but even so, I feel guilty. The one killed was in the best shape, the other one has arthritis and is kind of curved around to the side. She was very sad today, missing her last sister.

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