The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Wow, my son really is looking different, better, tighter, his color is much better (used to look pasty, dark circles under his eyes, etc).

Fat Boy Beat Down is with Michael Bacon.
5 hrs ·
I can def see a difference from where I started... Progress.... only thing that sucked tonight was while I was running, getting in my cardio...I heard a pop in my foot and felt pain run up my leg and through my hamstring...time to soak in some epson salts.
Forgot to tell you that Wynette, who will turn 8 yrs old in April, along with a bunch of others, has been laying the past couple of weeks. And this morning, Druscilla, who is about 5 months younger, laid an egg for the first time in forever. I have three Brahmas laying, but not every day. And someone in Hector's pen has been laying an egg in the back corner under the roost this past week, not sure who except I know it is not Thea's because she's trying to finish a late molt and I know her eggs pretty well. Even Tiny laid an egg this week and she's in the 9 year old group. If it wasn't for my older hens, I'd not have much of anything. I got 4 eggs out of just Georgie's group the other day, 8 total one day, the most I've had in ages and ages (though one was a tiny nickel sized egg from Wynette).
Isn't Hector's group the only one that doesn't have the dwarf gene? If so, you might want to hatch as many of those eggs as you can, and renew your flock.

Well, his is the only one among the BRs that is dwarf-gene free, as far as I know, been no interbreeding with any of the Atlas line. But, I'd have to avoid Thea's eggs because of her wry tail. Jill produces more males than females--Jane and Maddie were the only two girls out of six chicks from Jill.

I'm not hatching anything right now. I don't even want to add one bird here. If I have a broody hen and Jane and Maddie are producing, I may stick a couple of theirs under the hen with the Brahma eggs (I have a buyer for those chicks), but unless somebody decides to die, and, really, a lot of somebodys, I can't add birds.
I’m just laughing at your son’s ex’s boxes getting returned. Serves her right! And it’s awesome that he’s doing so well getting himself back in shape.

My hens are finally starting to lay again, and now I’m getting more eggs than we need. I think 8 of the 12 are laying. My kids will be excited to go around selling them in the neighborhood again.
Wish I had some kids to sell eggs around the neighborhood!

We do know a few people that have a booth at the farmer's market. I'm thinking of asking one of them if he'll put my eggs on his table and collect money. I'll take them to him in the morning and make the sign. All he'll need to do is collect $$.

What do you all think I should give him per dozen? A percent? Like 10%? Too little/too much?

He already has the booth. I pay for all feed and keeping. They are organic fed, free range when the weather allows for it, soy-free feed so they'll sell well.....

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