The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Figs are not my favorite fruit, by any means. Of course, we cannot grow citrus here and I loathe avocado (so does Tom-calls it green goo). I found an instant oatmeal with green apple and fig and I love it, but of course, our Walmart snatched it from the inventory as soon as I started buying it. Typical.
Sadly, though our peach and pear tree were full of blooms, it was too early and there were no bees to pollinate them so as far as I can see, no fruit from those this year. Even our dying Gala apple tree had some blooms, but won't have apples, either.
We are pretty limited here to apples, although if you grow peaches or cherries you may get a crop every few years.
I planted a new Apple tree yesterday called Crimson Crisp. The fruits are firm, red, very crisp, and sweet/tart. Once ripe they stay on the tree for up to a month. Hope it does well!
Also put in sweet peas, carrots, lettuce and onions. The rhubarb and garlic are both up as well.
I planted a new Apple tree yesterday called Crimson Crisp. The fruits are firm, red, very crisp, and sweet/tart. Once ripe they stay on the tree for up to a month. Hope it does well

I'll have to see if I can find that one, never heard of that. I love Grimes Golden the best, but something snapped off our tree at the base and dragged it down the hill when we had one, still not sure what did that. I like very crisp, sweet apples, sounds like I might like that one!
I used to buy Honey crisp apples at a farmstand. You can't grow apple,pear or maple trees or balsam Christmas trees in florida so it's good to be back in an area that they grow in.

With all I need to do, i'm not sure if i'm going to get to plant veggies this year. But I have a feeling that anything will grow well here.

How many here grow a garden?
How many here grow a garden?
Well, if you've watched my videos, you know we do. This year, we're doing some big sandwich type tomatoes, paste tomatoes, bell peppers, crowder peas, summer squash and cantaloupe. We need to replenish the stewed tomatoes in our storage, and maybe put away some more chili. We moved the rhubarb bed into the garden close to the house. I have an herb bed in the far garden, but not sure if I'll add anything. I like lettuce leaf basil for my tomato dishes.
Lately here the deer have been getting my apples before they ripen. :hmm I have given up planting fruit trees, they don't seem to want to last long here.

I am gardening somewhat with one arm currently. Stuff is slow here this year. My husband built me these wonderful raised boxes after my first knee replacement 3 years ago so gardening is a joy, well vegetable gardening. :)

I plant out my tomatoes earlier in those red Kozy kotes. Gets me started earlier.
I have a Honeycrisp and a NovaSpy as well - they all 3 cross pollinate. I know what you mean though, I've has several apple trees that just did not make it. The rootstock for this tree is supposed to be better in cold clay soils, so I have hopes. It's not the deer that get my apples, but the crows - they come in and clean a tree out within a few days, usually just before the apples ripen. This year I'm going to try reflective tape, as the bird netting has not prevented them from damaging the apples.
I have a Honeycrisp and a NovaSpy as well - they all 3 cross pollinate. I know what you mean though, I've has several apple trees that just did not make it. The rootstock for this tree is supposed to be better in cold clay soils, so I have hopes. It's not the deer that get my apples, but the crows - they come in and clean a tree out within a few days, usually just before the apples ripen. This year I'm going to try reflective tape, as the bird netting has not prevented them from damaging the apples.
I wish I could find trees that aren't grafted. It doesn't work out for me, but that's all I can find these days.:hmm I've reached a point where it's easier to buy organic apples in the store anyways so I have given up. :old
The problem is BYC hands out these friend badges and now has the "like" system which seems to favor bullies. I had one particular nasty member send me a pm asking what my problem was. I nearly left this place. It seems to be worse lately and it wears me out. :hmm

I do feel like I see a lot more rude members on this site now than in the past :(

I've also seen a lot of people reacting negatively to being corrected too, even if you're doing it in a nice way and not being rude. Some members also don't take it well if you post an opinion in a thread that's different from their own, and take someone posting a different opinion than theirs as a personal attack.

An example, an OP of a thread recently posted asking what they need to do to feed their gosling. Single gosling. I answered, then gently pointed out that you need to have at least two, as they are flock animals. The OP posted back that it 'wasn't a thread about raising goslings' and they only wanted info about the feed. Didn't want to hear that they needed another goose.

Another example is recently a member has been making a mistake about the color of one of their breeding birds, and I really wanted to help them and tell them what color it actually is, so that they can know what they are actually going to get when breeding, but I have interacted with this member before, and I know they'll freak out if I try, so I haven't. And it seems no one else is willing to either, probably for the same reason. They are calling the bird a completely wrong color, so I'm sure others are noticing. Basically it's the equivalent of referring to a blue mottled bird as chocolate mottled, super obvious difference, but I know if I say anything, the member is not going to be willing to hear it, so I don't bother. I've seen someone else try to correct this member about the color of one of their birds before, and the member dug their heels in and argued even though they were wrong. It's just not worth it.

It's pretty sad, and I don't know why recently this has seemed to be happening more and more often. I almost blame the internet as a whole for this. People are now able to form groups that will just back them up and never tell them they are wrong, and now it seems people can't handle it when they are corrected or someone posts an opinion that's different than theirs.

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