The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

I do feel like I see a lot more rude members on this site now than in the past :(

I've also seen a lot of people reacting negatively to being corrected too, even if you're doing it in a nice way and not being rude. Some members also don't take it well if you post an opinion in a thread that's different from their own, and take someone posting a different opinion than theirs as a personal attack.

An example, an OP of a thread recently posted asking what they need to do to feed their gosling. Single gosling. I answered, then gently pointed out that you need to have at least two, as they are flock animals. The OP posted back that it 'wasn't a thread about raising goslings' and they only wanted info about the feed. Didn't want to hear that they needed another goose.

Another example is recently a member has been making a mistake about the color of one of their breeding birds, and I really wanted to help them and tell them what color it actually is, so that they can know what they are actually going to get when breeding, but I have interacted with this member before, and I know they'll freak out if I try, so I haven't. And it seems no one else is willing to either, probably for the same reason. They are calling the bird a completely wrong color, so I'm sure others are noticing. Basically it's the equivalent of referring to a blue mottled bird as chocolate mottled, super obvious difference, but I know if I say anything, the member is not going to be willing to hear it, so I don't bother. I've seen someone else try to correct this member about the color of one of their birds before, and the member dug their heels in and argued even though they were wrong. It's just not worth it.

It's pretty sad, and I don't know why recently this has seemed to be happening more and more often. I almost blame the internet as a whole for this. People are now able to form groups that will just back them up and never tell them they are wrong, and now it seems people can't handle it when they are corrected or someone posts an opinion that's different than theirs.
I used to love reading different opinions and different ways of keeping poultry on BYC. Now it seems different than it did even last year at this time. There seems to be more right fighting.

I personally just try to offer up my experiences. I don't ever try to say my way is the only way. That's just silly. I do like to learn new stuff and see how others are doing things. Not every way works for every person or set up.

I respect helpful advice. I respect experienced keepers. That knowledge is invaluable on this site.

You do need a thick skin to be online. Meanings are misconstrued often. I hope everyone means well, but I don't know for sure. Some seem down right mean at times.

I think I see more younger people lately joining. Maybe I just don't understand the younger generation. I was raised in a more polite time. You were nice to a person when in their presence no matter what. Now it different because you aren't in their presence anymore. It's easier to hurt people without knowing it, and it's easier to attack someone's character because you don't know them.

Of course that being said, back in the day, 2008, I came on BYC for information but I was too afraid to join because of all the arguments. So BYC goes through these constant changes as members come and go. I guess those that stick around need to adapt or we get lost.

I just don't like rude comments when they aren't necessary. Especially when directed at nice people like @speckledhen . She has earned respect here on BYC, and should be treated as such.

It's also nice to hear someone else is seeing it. I thought maybe I was being too sensitive. I think I spend as much time observing human behaviors here as I do reading about poultry. There are some strong personalities on here. I try to avoid those people if possible, or keep an eye on them at least. Generally I only need to be kicked once in the arse to learn that lesson.
Ladies, there has been an invasion of snowflakes from Snowflake City. Those are mixing in with the old curmudgeons whose attitude is "my way or the highway". Not a good combination to create a healthy environment for learning and growing. Even tact isn't good enough at times. The bunch you're talking about, like most I see now, want to be offended and they form cliques that turn into internet street gangs. Sad. This is one reason I mostly stay on my own threads. You saw what happened when I ventured out into the rest of the forum. I used to have more posts than anyone on BYC, but others have forged ahead in that, and many hang around here for the social activity and talk their heads off about everything except chickens. I quit going to emergencies because I was tired of folks asking for help, then trying to talk me out of what I told them, giving me ten excuses why what I said wouldn't work or why they couldn't do something or "so-and-so says differently". So, unless I"m tagged for a "consult", I stay out of there. I love to counteract the gurus, but they have their minions who would rather believe butterflies and rainbows instead of hard truth.
I come here mostly for chickens and occasionally, talk quilts, but I stay out of the breeder threads and pretty much 99% of the forum now. That is why my posting numbers have severely decreased. I used to love to hang out here all the time. Not anymore.

Adding that I appreciate you having my back, Lisa. I know you don't like conflict so it's much appreciated. I don't like it, either, but I also don't like to be steamrolled by someone like that and I won't lay down for it. The ones who are the most wrong yell the loudest, it seems.
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Ladies, there has been an invasion of snowflakes from Snowflake City. Those are mixing in with the old curmudgeons whose attitude is "my way or the highway". Not a good combination to create a healthy environment for learning and growing. Even tact isn't good enough at times. The bunch you're talking about, like most I see now, want to be offended and they form cliques that turn into internet street gangs. Sad. This is one reason I mostly stay on my own threads. You saw what happened when I ventured out into the rest of the forum. I used to have more posts than anyone on BYC, but others have forged ahead in that, and many hang around here for the social activity and talk their heads off about everything except chickens. I quit going to emergencies because I was tired of folks asking for help, then trying to talk me out of what I told them, giving me ten excuses why what I said wouldn't work or why they couldn't do something or "so-and-so says differently". So, unless I"m tagged for a "consult", I stay out of there. I love to counteract the gurus, but they have their minions who would rather believe butterflies and rainbows instead of hard truth.
I come here mostly for chickens and occasionally, talk quilts, but I stay out of the breeder threads and pretty much 99% of the forum now. That is why my posting numbers have severely decreased. I used to love to hang out here all the time. Not anymore.

Adding that I appreciate you having my back, Lisa. I know you don't like conflict so it's much appreciated. I don't like it, either, but I also don't like to be steamrolled by someone like that and I won't lay down for it. The ones who are the most wrong yell the loudest, it seems.
So well said Cynthia. I miss you out there, you brought common sense, and wisdom, but I understand why you stopped. I am terrible at fighting, or at least getting my point of view out there, so I admire anyone who stands their ground like you do. The world needs more strong confident women. That's why I joined this thread.

As far as poultry, I got 4 geese coming in a few weeks along with a bunch of chicks. I'm scrabbling to figure geese out so I don't mess up. Anyone on here raise geese and can give me some pointers? Thankfully it's only 4. We will see how I do with them. :)
Snowflakes is the word. Respect has really gone out the window. Everywhere. I was surprised that there are even jelouse people, mostly about messing with someone who is popular here! Since there's no intonation on words written here I always ask myself what the writer's motives are.

It's nice to come to this thread! I'm done with the serious venturing that I used to do. Anyone who hangs with Cynthia is good people!
So well said Cynthia. I miss you out there, you brought common sense, and wisdom, but I understand why you stopped. I am terrible at fighting, or at least getting my point of view out there, so I admire anyone who stands their ground like you do. The world needs more strong confident women. That's why I joined this thread.

As far as poultry, I got 4 geese coming in a few weeks along with a bunch of chicks. I'm scrabbling to figure geese out so I don't mess up. Anyone on here raise geese and can give me some pointers? Thankfully it's only 4. We will see how I do with them. :)

I did have a phase where I had geese. I should have just stuck with the original pair but got 4 goslings. They were sweet for a while but then I had to separate them from the chickens because they were mean to the chickens. Then they were mean to me. And every day since they were day Old's i had spent hours with them outside. They pretty much got along with themselves.

One thing I absolutely hated was they dip their food in water. The feed goes bad in the water in 24 hours so they would need clean water continuously. And the stinky water smelled so bad that I would have to dig a hole every day to empty it in to.

Maybe someone with larger property would do better. I only had 1/2 an acre. Sorry I can't give much good advice. They can't protect themselves. The goslings love a dish of water and it's fun to watch them bathe. They eat chicken food and scratch. Love lettuce especially thrown in their water. I used a kitty pool that had to be emptied daily as well. Be careful about giving them high protein because it warps their wings. Mine never seemed to learn to forage. I'm sorry if this is negative but I just wanted to share my thoughts about them. Maybe you'll have good luck with them. They are fun to watch!
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Thanks Lisa and Cheryl and Karen. We have a good thread going here. For the most part we keep it to chickens with a few side road trips into other things. Oh, Tom made arrangements for some guy to come haul a large pickup truck of whatever he can get in it so we're getting a lot of stuff out of the old coop that we don't want like computer monitors and satellite equipment, just stuff that doesn't work or is very outdated and incompatible, plus just junk.
***I don't know anything about geese, Lisa. Wish I did. They fascinate me***

I came across this and wondered if any of my friends here on the Atlas thread would like this kit? It's never been opened, guess it's a complete kit to make a pillow case called Wild Violets with candlewicking and embroidery, neither of which I do. It was something my mother had so the lace inside may have yellowed some (OxiClean!) or maybe it's just cream colored and not white. Just speak up and I'll send it to you if you'd like to have it. I may offer it elsewhere for just postage unless someone on our thread wants it, then I'll just pop it in the mail to you.
As far as poultry, I got 4 geese coming in a few weeks along with a bunch of chicks. I'm scrabbling to figure geese out so I don't mess up. Anyone on here raise geese and can give me some pointers? Thankfully it's only 4. We will see how I do with them. :)

I raise Tufted Roman geese :) I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.

My first piece of advice would be to make a special waterer for them, so they don't soak the brooder, lol. You might already do that with your muscovies.
I did have a phase where I had geese. I should have just stuck with the original pair but got 4 goslings. They were sweet for a while but then I had to separate them from the chickens because they were mean to the chickens. Then they were mean to me. And every day since they were day Old's i had spent hours with them outside. They pretty much got along with themselves.

One thing I absolutely hated was they dip their food in water. The feed goes bad in the water in 24 hours so they would need clean water continuously. And the stinky water smelled so bad that I would have to dig a hole every day to empty it in to.

Maybe someone with larger property would do better. I only had 1/2 an acre. Sorry I can't give much good advice. They can't protect themselves. The goslings love a dish of water and it's fun to watch them bathe. They eat chicken food and scratch. Love lettuce especially thrown in their water. I used a kitty pool that had to be emptied daily as well. Be careful about giving them high protein because it warps their wings. Mine never seemed to learn to forage. I'm sorry if this is negative but I just wanted to share my thoughts about them. Maybe you'll have good luck with them. They are fun to watch!
I definitely need to know the downside. I am vaguely afraid of them and decided to try to face that fear. I do keep muscovy ducks so I'm somewhat familiar with some of those behaviors you listed. Thankfully my husband will eat any critter I tell him to. If they are trouble or aggressive they will go for sure, and my husband will feast on Christmas goose.

We do have 40 acres, and I have a large 40x40 shed for most of my poultry. Bantams and turkeys are kept in their own areas.

The geese will need to get along with my chickens, and ducks or else they will go. It seemed like a better idea a month ago. The closer the day comes the more I wonder if I'm making a mistake. Time will tell I guess. :hmm
I raise Tufted Roman geese :) I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.

My first piece of advice would be to make a special waterer for them, so they don't soak the brooder, lol. You might already do that with your muscovies.
I've never actually brooded any muscovy. The hens did it all. I was vaguely thinking about giving these geese to a broody muscovy. I have read some do that.

They shouldn't be brooded with chicks? I read an article that said someone did that, but it sounds iffy.

What feed type do I need? Can they be raised on a a non medicated chick starter, or should I get a flock raiser?

Will they get along with my chickens mostly? There's a bit of back and forth between my muscovy and chickens but generally nothing serious and birds can get away. We did butcher a muscovy drake we bought at a swap because he kept attacking a rooster and ripped his comb off. I don't know how he was raised. So far my young muscovy drakes are leaving the chickens alone mostly, but I got my eyes on them.
Thanks Lisa and Cheryl and Karen. We have a good thread going here. For the most part we keep it to chickens with a few side road trips into other things. Oh, Tom made arrangements for some guy to come haul a large pickup truck of whatever he can get in it so we're getting a lot of stuff out of the old coop that we don't want like computer monitors and satellite equipment, just stuff that doesn't work or is very outdated and incompatible, plus just junk.
***I don't know anything about geese, Lisa. Wish I did. They fascinate me***

I came across this and wondered if any of my friends here on the Atlas thread would like this kit? It's never been opened, guess it's a complete kit to make a pillow case called Wild Violets with candlewicking and embroidery, neither of which I do. It was something my mother had so the lace inside may have yellowed some (OxiClean!) or maybe it's just cream colored and not white. Just speak up and I'll send it to you if you'd like to have it. I may offer it elsewhere for just postage unless someone on our thread wants it, then I'll just pop it in the mail to you. View attachment 1766558 View attachment 1766559
I haven't the patience for sewing and all that stuff. I'm not good at staying in the lines and going straight. Hopefully someone else can use it.

You will hear about my geese adventure. I do like the honking of geese, but maybe all the time will drive me nuts. :)

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