The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

I dated a dairy farmer for a while, until I realized that the cows came first. Always. While I understand that and agree it's right, I was not interested in being married to 200 cows.

No? How many chickens ya got? If he was married to 200 chickens would it be different? Dairy cows are soooooooo much work!
A bit of background. Our driveway is almost 1/2 mile long. We share it with 1 neighbor that lives further down. Although we, and the neighbor have enough property to each make our own individual driveways, the original owner of this place, and the neighbor agreed to combining them. Both, have contributed to the continued building up, and maintenance of the drive. Last year, we and the neighbor decided it was time to have it paved, but neither could afford to have the entire thing paved at once. It was decided that every year for 3 years, both would contribute to having 1/3 rd. of it paved, so last year, 1/3 rd. of it was paved.

There is a fairly wide separation, and another driveway next to ours that goes down to 2 neighbors that live even further down. In that middle separation between the two drives, is where the cables for internet, phones, and tv are run for all the houses past ours. (Our lines were all recently replaced, and don't run down the center division).

Remember I was talking about them cutting the hay, and having to fight the rain? Well, they used the opposite driveway from ours, to get the equipment into the field. The owners of the driveway, asked him not to use their driveway again, since the equipment was too heavy, the driveway too muddy from the rain, and their equipment had torn up the drive too bad. For normal weight vehicles it's not a big problem. Anyway, the neighbors had the driveway graded.

They returned yesterday with 2 semi's towing flatbeds, and the 2 big tractors, mower, and baler. WITHOUT permission to use our side, and having been asked not to use the other side, they entered using BOTH driveways, 1 semi, followed by one big tractor pulling equipment on each side, then crossed over the separation to the other side. Those semi's loaded with all those bales of hay are super heavy, not to mention the other equipment. When they left, they left in the same order they came in. They tore up both driveways bad. They broke up all our paving. When they crossed over the separation, they broke all the cables.

Everyone was/is in an uproar over it. All the men, on their tractors, held a fuss fest, as they tried to get the driveways fixed enough for the cars to be able to get through. Man did I stir up a hornet's nest, when I pointed at the field, and told them to take a good look. The field is only half done. They'll be back.

Don't get me started! We have a circular drive and when they repaired the road out front not only did they use it to turn around, they used the whole circular driveway, county included! I can't block it because the neighbor uses an easement on our property. The easement cuts through a corner on our property making that corner useless, not to mention that no one knows who cuts the grass. They cut the grass on the sides of the easement but not that little corner left over.
SO, I would love to get that easement to follow the property line- so we could put a fence up for the safety of my horse if she gets out of her paddock. I can't now because it would block the entrance to the easement.
AND I wonder what my rights are with that easement anyway. Can I move it? It appears that right now owners have very little rights when it comes to easements!
Okay think I have a problem. My daughter (who now loves my chickens, LOL) noticed that one of my Polish is kind of heavy and feels like she has a belly full of water. What do I do?
Okay think I have a problem. My daughter (who now loves my chickens, LOL) noticed that one of my Polish is kind of heavy and feels like she has a belly full of water. What do I do?

Not much you can do, Karen. Sometimes a round of good antibiotics will help dissipate the fluid, but you don't know the source- heart, liver, reproductive, etc. Could be any of them and none of them really treatable. I used to drain hens, but unless she has a belly dragging the ground and her legs are spread apart because of it, I no longer do that. It's stressful for them and never solves the main issue anyway.

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