The Expecting Chick Momma Thread

This is my first posting on this web site i have four chickens 2 gold laced orpingtons and 2 buff orpington, (all sposed to be girls) after two weeks away at xmas i came home to find my chicken was a cockeral.. he is my main man hahaha. he has got friendly with the girls and now one has got broody and has been sitting on eggs for a couple of weeks, she nips out to see me in the morning but soon goes back.. i would like to leave her to nature and let the chicks hatch with her but i really havnt a clue of what im doing,, will the chicks be in danger from the other abults?? should i seperate the mum and eggs?? or mum and chicks??
it would be so sad if i dont get this right and something happens to the chicks so if anyone can offer me some advice i would be so gratefull..

many thanks
I don't think you should move the eggs she mite not like that and stop sitting on them. ( that's what happened when i did that. ) is there some way to separate her without moving her ? and wait for the chicks to hatch and then move them to a alone place.

That's what i would do .
What I did with all three of my BO's when they went broody, was I left them in the nest box with her eggs until they hatched. After 2 or 3 eggs hatched and the chicks dried off, I moved her, the chicks, and the rest of the eggs into another area. We made them a special coop to raise their chicks in until the chicks were old enough to defend themselves from the other chickens. Just don't move your hen until some of her eggs hatch. When I did this, my hens continued to sit on their unhatched eggs and chicks for a few more days. My hens always felt much safer away from the adult chickens. Just don't move her until she has a chick, because she will get upset and stop sitting on her eggs. If you move her when she has a chick, she will continue to sit until more of the eggs hatch.

Good luck!
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My chicks from Meyer hatchery arrived today. I ordered 2 ee's, 15 leann's adopt me bargain and one meyer meal maker.... 3 doa 3 not looking so hot.. But from what I can tell I have 2 ee's alive, 2 mottled cochins, and the rest appear to be silkies. Not 100% on the silkie part.

My Welsummer from Meyer Hatchery! Very pleased with her!

My Easter Egger, from the moment I opened the box we bonded, everytime I go to the brooder or pick another chick up she runs over to me saying pick me pick me! I love her!

The girls! Could not be happier with them! More pic soon!
Got my babies from Ideal today!

They were supposed to come tomorrow so I'm thrilled they came a day early, since the temperatures have been so brutal lately. 4 DOA (only one trampled, the others seem to have climbed to a colder part of the box and were unable to get back), and one not looking so hot. It's partially spraddle-legged from being trampled, I'd guess and it probably has a 50/50 shot. I've been babying it along and it is perkier than when they arrived but still looks bad. The rest look good! Though I had a bantam get stuck in the chick feeder and had to take it out...

d'Uccle bantam assortment, White Faced Black Spanish, Silver Spangled Spitzhauben, Easter Eggers, Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Silver Laced Wyandottes, and Salmon Faverolles. I think I have around 25 out of an order of 27 since they threw in a few extras, but it's hard figuring out exactly what I have just yet since they zip so fast lol.

I am getting my first chicks on Saturday (hopefully)! I found a breeder in Alaska that has true Ameraucanas. She is hatching black and blue. I am hoping to get three this weekend. Then in two weeks I am getting 3 barred rocks and 3 buff orps. Trying to get everything local so I don't have to stress over shipping to Alaska. This is my first time with chickens, raised just about everything else over the years. Can't wait to get them either. Will post pictures as soon as i get them home.
Awwww look at all the babies!

I can't wait to get mine! I will be getting mine either the 14 or 15 and the 21 this month! Thats when my feed store gets them in!

I am getting

2 EEs (Never had any and i am really excited! I have to be there when the feed store opens to get first dibs!)
1 Black Australorp
The on the 21 i will go back and get
1 GLW!
I am very excited about all of them. Mostly the GLW! I got one a year ago...He turned out to be a freaking rooster! -.- I was not happy with that one. So hope i get all pullets! I will be checking their wings lol. And i will post pictures!

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