The Father of the Bride


10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
Well! Some great news in troubled times. After much thought and a reasonably long relationship, our 25 yo daughter came to us last night with her (now) fiance in tow, and together they sought our permission and guidance to get married.

Just burn my bed and call me cornpone!!

In addition, last week my soon to be son in law asked me to accompany him down to the Army recruiter's office to start his enlistment paperwork. He asked me because I am the only vet he knows and he just wanted my moral support. I was honored. He is 24 and does not come by this decision lightly. Here in Southwest Washington our unemployment rate is about to top 15% and this lad has been laid off for over a year. He has been out humping it every week looking for a job and there simply isn't anything to be had here. He has decided to pursue a law enforcement career, and he wants to start his training with a stint with the Army MPs. He'd like to go into the K-9 program, and we will see. He has to take his ASVAB next week and then the recruiter will talk turkey with him.

My wife and I could not be more pleased! We knew this was coming but it is still a very pleasant way to kick off our new year. It was my honor, as a retired Navy veteran, to take that young man down to the recruiter and sit with him while he made his first visit. He did his homework ahead of time and was pretty excited when we were through. I've told him how pleased and proud I am of him, and how happy I am that he is embarking on the adventure of his life, and sharing it in the best way possible with our daughter. I told them both last night how pleased I was to welcome him into our family, and I think that rocked them both back just a bit...

The Mother of the Bride is in creating a new spreadsheet to detail out how to pay for a wedding. We do not have a date yet, and most likely they are going to be married on his first major leave after training. The Daughter is suddenly enamoured with the idea of her DH in his Class A's and a black beret...her mother could not agree more, and besides it saves renting the lad a tux.

We plan on hosting their wedding here in our home, in our living room. They have a dear friend who is an ordained minister that will marry them, and she prefers not to rent a big venue, but wants to have the wedding and reception here, with family and friends. Her mother and I could not be more thrilled with that idea too!

We are probably looking at 6 months from now, (which is what makes it all but impossible to reserve a venue in less than a year in advance...) but Mrs. Chieftain is already talking with her friends about flowers, food, dresses and such, and I have been informed that as the Father of the Bride I am expected to harrump appreciatively and open my wallet, and little else. My wife urges me not to have the poor judgment to attempt to inject my comments on anything that is best left to the Mother of and The Bride. We have a very nice back patio that ought to be spectacular for an early summer wedding and we plan to open up the house for at least 50 guests.

Great plans so far, and I have informed my wife she can count on me...


Seriously, we are thrilled as possible, and very very proud of our soon to be son in law. I told my daughter not to forget this is the biggest day of her mother's life, and she told me not to drip any tears on my tux...

No promises there...but I'll try. I thinks she knows this sentimental old SOB all too well...

Congratulations and best wishes to all concerned, and good luck to your future son-in-law with his prospective enlistment.

My husband is also retired Navy, and he wore his uniform for our wedding.

Mother of the Bride sounds VERY wise. You would do well to heed her advice concerning your Father of the Bride duties!

Congrats .. What an amazing gift that young man has in you.. I love that they took the time to talk to you all and ask your acceptance.. Many Blessings to you and yours...
I agree............thats the first thing that grabbed my attention, it aint common these days to see the propriety.
ya aint havin' to hold a shotgun on him either! Thats fantasticool!!

Congrat to ya'll!!
Hope ya post more about the weddin'.
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